Daniel 7: 21-The little horn makes war on them. So, they have an enemy. This is a reference to the religious persecution of those who broke away from the Roman Catholic traditions, as verified in the history of the Reformation. Daniel 7:22-Before the time comes for them to possess the...
but He Who established the Church wrote nothing. Only once, in the Gospel of John, was it said of Christ that He stooped down and wrote something; but even this one time Christ wrote with his finger and on the ground. It may even be that He did ...
Baha’u’llah, exc. fr. The Book Of The Holy Of Holies The Three Articles of the League of Nations Covenant #2137 Outlawing War. It is Long Overdue that we Call on All Signatory Nations to Come Together and Elect the Committee To End War to Activate This Binding Covenant of Peace an...
I’ve not heard many sermons on the book of Revelation in this chapel. It’s a difficult book to interpret because it’s so different from the rest of the books of the New Testament. We’re not used to interpreting a book like this, a book that is three kinds of literature all at ...
But, I have been moved to share my testimony, (even the falling away part) to encourage any person on their Jesus journey who has struggles that seem insurmountable. The answer for you is the same as it was (and is) for me. You will find it, only in Jesus Christ. ...
1On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. 2They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, 3but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. ...
I have sincerely sought to answer the question, Can the teachings and claims of the Roman Catholic Church be validated biblically and historically? Is this Church truly the one true Church established by Jesus Christ? That study has been going on now for more than twenty five years and I ...
God's Coming Judgment on the USA Rapture and Judgment at Hand A Tale of Ten Virgins Not An Hoof Left Behind The Judgment Seat of Christ Behold, the Bridegroom Cometh Tribulation Survival Guide Thy Hidden Ones Why Tarry the Rapture? Must There Be a Pre-Trib Rapture? We Were Hoping Looking...
away from the bear. When I was confident that the bear was far enough away that we weren’t in danger of looking like prey, I just started running while holding my son. Nothing like a 3/4 of a mile run with 30 lbs. of kid on my hip, a back pack, and hiking books. My point...
s words. And don’t think he rations out the Spirit in bits and pieces. The Father loves the Son extravagantly. He turned everything over to him so he could give it away—a lavish distribution of gifts. That is why whoever accepts and trusts the Son gets in on everything, life ...