One in essence with God the Father, Who became incarnate on earth. For that truth, the greatest Fathers of the Church labored to the point of blood. They were unbending in the battle for this truth. They
from economic challenges to mass migration from other countries. On the religious front, the Catholic Church has decided to canonize another saint. However, this one differs
WhileJesushad many followers, the TwelveApostles were his closestdisciples, and they left an indelible mark on theearly Christian church. Personally chosen by Christ himself, nearly all of the Twelve wereJewish(St. Lukemay have been aGentile) and had various livelihoods: several were fishermen, ...
It occurred to me that the burden was on me, and not on the Catholic Church, to show why I should remain in the schism with the Church in which my parents baptized me, even as I could think of no incorrigible reason to remain in the schism.1And secondly, and more importantly, he b...
pt3-Ecumenicals & Church of Rome pt4-Come Out of Her, My People pt5-Billy Graham: Modern Balaam pt6-Final Judgment of Great Whore Prophecy Section Index Prophecy For Your Information Antichrist:Beast Out of the Sea Tribulation:70th Week of Daniel Who is Mystery Babylon? Why Do the Heathen...
Baha’u’llah, exc. fr. The Book Of The Holy Of Holies The Three Articles of the League of Nations Covenant #2137 Outlawing War. It is Long Overdue that we Call on All Signatory Nations to Come Together and Elect the Committee To End War to Activate This Binding Covenant of Peace an...
What may seem even worse, is that whatever is left of the church is following after a vile culture. The church needs a cleansing, a time of mourning over all the abominations committed in it. Please look to the Lord for mercy in our days, that we would mourn over the evil committed...
Because justification, as the Church has taught for 2,000 years, is ongoing. It is not a one-time event of accepting Jesus as personal Lord and Savior. Justification is freely given by God through faith, hope, love and the sacraments of the Church (here, baptism). V. Jesus and ...
“Whence are we to find words enough fully to tell the happiness of that marriage which the Church cements, and the oblation confirms, and the benediction signs and seals; which angels carry back the news of to heaven, which the Father holds for ratified? For even on earth children do not...
I’ve appreciated the sermons I’ve heard this term on inviting God’s kingdom to be present in the church. Our passage today also contributes, where Jesus is told, “You have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth”. ...