As they were going, Jesus announced to his disciples that they would all desert him—become offended, fall away, or be ‘scandalised.’ Jesus supports this assertion with an appeal to Scripture: ‘I will strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered.’ Jesus is quoting Zechariah 13:...
The anxiety and fear the people to whom this psalm is addressed once had as wandering sheep and goat herders without a nation, subjected to drought and famine, and severely oppressed as slaves in Egypt are remembered as they are called upon to worship the Lord God of Israel. Now, however,...
MarySusan Rhone MarthaSusan Rhone Feeding Five ThousandSusan Rhone Raising LazarusSusan Rhone Take This CupSusan Rhone The BetrayalSusan Rhone The ArrestSusan Rhone The DenialSusan Rhone It Is FinishedSusan Rhone Doubting ThomasSusan Rhone Feed My SheepSusan Rhone 没有更多内容了...
In Luke 15, Jesus tells a series of parables about things being lost and then found: the first is about a lost sheep, the second a lost coin, and the third a lost son. The final parable—about the lost son—is often called the Parable of the Prodigal Son. In it, a son requests ...
“For, although the devil desired to sift all the disciples, the Lord testifies that He Himself asked for Peter alone, and wished that the others be confirmed my him; and to Peter also was committed the care of ‘feeding the sheep'(John 21:15);and to him also did the Lord hand over...
As St. Michael is a champion of justice, individuals may pray for his aid to see that people are punished for their crimes. Saint Michael will not grant revenge mind you, as revenge only goes towards feeding our own sins. He could be asked to aid in your own personal security, or for...
and whatever they do to you as a true Christian to Jesus they do but it only happens to you for in you Jesus is, and so also whatever they do to one of those little ones whom are his brethren to him they do, where as feeding Jesus, giving drink to Jesus or visiting Jesus in pri...
“Not by raining down manna, as for Israel of old[Ex 16:14] or opening the rock, in order to give drink to His thirsting people,[ Ps 78:24] or feasting her by means of ravens, as Elijah,[1 Kings 17:6] or feeding her by a prophet carried through the air, as He did to Dani...