In one of the books, the story narrated how a village of sheep fought back against a group of wolves who tried to take over their settlement, which was interpreted as supporting the pro-democracy movement by the court. Spotify to begin testing audiobooks aiming to utilize personalized ...
As I look back at my 2022, I must say that I did not plan for what was to be. I am an overly optimistic person. I look for the good in all things; I find it most of the time. Oh, but those times when I don’t, I usually fall into the black tunnel of my underworld. It ...
耶稣在海边向七个门徒显现 - 这些事以后,耶稣在提比里亚海边再次向门徒显现。他显现的经过是这样的: 当时西门.彼得、称为“双生子”的多马、加利利的迦拿人拿但业、西庇太的两个儿子,和另外两个门徒都聚在一起。