1 Timothy 2:4: "Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth" – Reading this verse with philosophical framework as one is conditioned to do will lead to the conclusion that this salvific desire refers to God apart from the concrete proclamation of the...
How vain their imaginings that these calumnies are in conformity with the verses of God’s sacred Book, and in consonance with the utterances of men of discernment! Our purpose in relating these things is to warn you that were they to maintain that those verses wherein the signs referred ...
2 Samuel 17:8 Hushai said, “You know that your father and his men are mighty men, and that they areenraged, like a bear robbed of her cubs in the field. Besides, your father is expert in war; he will not spend the night with the people. Enraged. This bitterness spoken of in th...
rendering it an authoritative revelation from God, so that while the revelations come to us through the minds and wills of men they are nevertheless in the
SEVENTY: is another combination of two of the perfect numbers 7 and 10, and it signifies perfect spiritual order carried out with all spiritual power and significance.There were seventy nations before the Tower of Babel. [Genesis 10:1-32]. Seventy men built up the nation of Israel when ...
”[2]“Those who call these men [i.e., Arians] Christians are in great and grievous error,” writes St. Athanasius the Great.[3]Thus did this adamant of Orthodoxy argue definitively about the impossibility of being a Christian while denying the Incarnation of the Son of God, Who is ...
“That learned person who gives to all living creatures the gift of complete assurance is forsooth regarded as the giver of lifebreaths in this world. (115.18) “Men gifted with intelligence and purified souls should always treat others as they themselves wish to be treated. It is seen that...
and of these it seems good to me now to speak of another, for it conduces to your hereby knowing Jesus, whom we also know to have been Christ the Son of God, who was crucified, and rose again, and ascended to heaven, and will come again to judge all men, even up to Adam himsel...
But the fruits, works, and merits are all borne from God’s unmerited and undeserved mercy won for us by Jesus Christ. Titus 3:8 – good deeds are excellent and profitable to men (just like the Old Testament Scriptures in 2 Tim. 3:16). Good deeds further justify us before God. This...
“However, the men rowed desperately to return to land but they could not, for the sea was becoming even stormier against them.” Jonah 1:13NAS95 You almost get the impression that they thought he had lost his mind. The obvious factor wasthe severity of the storm and the associated waves...