We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. This is one of the most famous sentences in the English language, but do most ...
Under pressure from Benjamin Franklin, the Declaration was changed to read, “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.” To Indian sages, inequality was self-evident. That is why they invented the caste-system which still survives. Equal...
做为凡人,他是大卫家族的后裔,4但是,通过圣灵,当他从死里复活时,表明他是上帝之子。 5通过基督,上帝赐给了我一名使徒的特殊使命,即引导所有的民族信仰和服从他。我做这一切是为了荣耀基督。6你们也包括在其中,是蒙受了选择属于耶稣基督的人。 7这封信是写给你们所有在罗马的人,上帝爱你们...
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." This is the opening sentence to the Declaration of Independence. This document ...
Reportedly, 75% of all men cheat on their wives, and 65% of wives also cheat. Multiple sex partners are common. Some just live together in sin. How could the Bible have named an exact time (the last church age) “2000 years in the future” and been correct on this? That’s 10 ...
Reportedly, 75% of all men cheat on their wives, and 65% of wives also cheat. Multiple sex partners are common. Some just live together in sin. How could the Bible have named an exact time (the last church age) “2000 years in the future” and been correct on this? That’s 10 ...
Reportedly, 75% of all men cheat on their wives, and 65% of wives also cheat. Multiple sex partners are common. Some just live together in sin. How could the Bible have named an exact time (the last church age) “2000 years in the future” and been correct on this? That’s 10 ...
Reportedly, 75% of all men cheat on their wives, and 65% of wives also cheat. Multiple sex partners are common. Some just live together in sin. How could the Bible have named an exact time (the last church age) “2000 years in the future” and been correct on this? That’s 10 ...
Reportedly, 75% of all men cheat on their wives, and 65% of wives also cheat. Multiple sex partners are common. Some just live together in sin. How could the Bible have named an exact time (the last church age) “2000 years in the future” and been correct on this? That’s 10 ...
Reportedly, 75% of all men cheat on their wives, and 65% of wives also cheat. Multiple sex partners are common. Some just live together in sin. How could the Bible have named an exact time (the last church age) “2000 years in the future” and been correct on this? That’s 10 ...