How to get powershell version from SCCM Query. How to get SCCM Collection Path How to get the Hard Disk serial how to give a permission for another user in SCCM2012 How to import custom hardware inventory classes (MOF) automatically in SCCM 2012? How to increase script execution timeout fo...
In powershell create balloon notification longer than 5 seconds In powershell, is there a way to check if the path is valid regardless deny access? Include hostname in csv report Incorrect colours displayed by Write-Host Incrementing Version Numbers in PowerShell Index was outside the bounds of...
$local:elapsedTime = $(get-date) - $local:startTime if (($local:elapsedTime.TotalSeconds - $DownloadTimeout) -gt 0 -and -not $cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { throw New-Object System.TimeoutException("Failed to reach the server: connection timeout: default timeout is $DownloadTi...
Dial Commands script activation script activation To specify that a chat script start on a physical terminal line any time the line is activated, use the script activation command in line configuration mode. To disable this feature, use the no form of this command. script activation regular-...
oLogging.CreateEntry strSName & ": No pause time was specified on the command line.",LogTypeError ZTIProcess=90 Exit Function Else oLogging.CreateEntry strSName & ": Pause time has been set to " & strTime & " seconds",LogTypeInfoInt...
In powershell create balloon notification longer than 5 seconds In powershell, is there a way to check if the path is valid regardless deny access? Include hostname in csv report Incorrect colours displayed by Write-Host Incrementing Version Numbers in PowerShell Index was outside the bounds...
Comment: During a boot storm of many VMs it is likely you will time out the start of some services. This change makes that acceptable. ' Increase Disk I/O Timeout to 200 seconds. oShell.RegWrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Disk\TimeOutValue", &H000000C8, "REG...
How to stop Windows 10 computers from going to a black screen after being at lock screen for 60seconds or more How to test a WMI Filter and see all the computers in the results? How to troubleshoot a User Policy Logoff script not running interminalty how to turn ON Unicode (UTF 8) ...
In powershell create balloon notification longer than 5 seconds In powershell, is there a way to check if the path is valid regardless deny access? Include hostname in csv report Incorrect colours displayed by Write-Host Incrementing Version Numbers in PowerShell Index was outside the bounds of...
In powershell create balloon notification longer than 5 seconds In powershell, is there a way to check if the path is valid regardless deny access? Include hostname in csv report Incorrect colours displayed by Write-Host Incrementing Version Numbers in PowerShell Index was outside the bounds of...