Hi, I have a setup with SCCM at the moment which works fine for building machines but I need to run a command after the OS is loaded for task sequence which is 'wmic csproduct get name" and then the output from this I need to be added to the device if the model is HP as follows...
SCCM 2012 R2 reporting error: "The DefaultValue expression for the report parameter ‘UserTokenSIDs’ contains an error: A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated. (rsRuntimeErrorInExpression)" SCCM 2012 R2 upgrade & broken reports SCCM 2012 R2- Report tha...
When I assign a powershell script to run as a program the output errors I receive are "Import-Module ServerManager" fails to load and results in the rest of the commands failing that require this module. I can go to ccmcache on the local server and run the script from there without a...
You can add a Run Commandline step to your task sequence Properties Tab: Paste the code below into the Command line window cmd /c powershell.exe -Command "&{$Me = $Env:COMPUTERNAME; Invoke-command -Computername MYSITESERVER -ArgumentList $Me -scriptblock {param($Me)Import-Module Configura...
You can see that 1 client has run it and has 1 success Monitor the script execution statistics un Monitoring / Script Status You can see the Script Execution State, the Exit Code and the Output Verification The client downloads the script locally in C:\Windows\CCM\ScriptStore The name of...
To get the script executed, we must either use a copy of FSH.Exe, FSH.Lic and the script on a share or compile it into an exe file. We will do the latter in this case and save the output exe file as TSVarSetter.exe in root of a share named \\acmeserver\deploy$: Next step...
在PowerShell 中使用 SCCM(System Center Configuration Manager)中的 WQL(WMI Query Language)查询涉及一些基础概念,以及相关的优势、类型、应用场景和常见问题解决方法。以下是一次性的完整答案: 基础概念 WQL(WMI Query Language): WQL 是一种类似于 SQL 的查询语言,专门用于查询 Windows Management Instrumentation (...
SCCM(System Center Configuration Manager)2012是微软提供的一款系统配置管理工具,用于企业环境中的软件分发、补丁管理、硬件和软件资产收集、操作系统部署等功能。通过命令行安装SCCM 2012,可以自动化安装过程,减少人工干预,提高效率。 相关优势 自动化:通过命令行安装,可以实现自动化部署,减少人工错误和时间成本。 灵活性...
You will need to run: QuartusHelpSetup- --mode unattended --unattendedmodeui none --installdir C:/intelFPGA/20.1 --accept_eula 1 --parallel-decompression-cores 1 --syncdebugtrace debug-1-core.txt within SCCM, send us back the debug output file: deb...
The script can be run against SCCM, MDT, both SCCM/MDT or as a standalone driver download utility (by popular request). I have also added notes on the individual tabs as previously people had tried specifying long UNC paths for the repositories and not the base share directory I had advis...