script_score 是 function score 2.0版本, 允许用户在检索中灵活修改文档score,来实现自己干预结果排名的目的,另外script score性能要高于function score 下面我们通过一个简单的例子来加深理解,通过script score将文档score值修改为“like”字段值的十分之一: GET /_search { "query" : { "script_score" : { "q...
query:必须存在,定义查询对象,用于查询需要返回的文档 script:必须存在,定义脚本对象,脚本用于计算查询返回的文档的评分 (备注:通过script_score查询计算的相关评分不能是负数,为了支持特定的查询优化,Lucene要求评分必须是正数或者0) min_score:可选,浮点型数值,当文档的评分低于此值的时候,将会被从搜索的结果中排除 ...
应用到ES的query里,需要将script_score放到function_score里面,因为script_score是function_score的一种方式,具体到上面的例子就是这个样子的: { "from": 0, "size": 10, "query": { "function_score": { "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "match": { "mTitle": { "query": "java", "minimu...
{"name":"B","sales":20,"visitors":20} {"index":{"_id":3}} {"name":"C","sales":30,"visitors":30} POST product_test/_search { "query": { "function_score": { "query": { "match_all": {} }, "script_score": { "script": { "source": "_score * (doc['sales']....
"function_score" : { "query" : { "filtered" : { "filter" : { "bool" : { "must" : { "match" : { "_all" : { "query" : "关键字", "type" : "boolean", "operator" : "AND" } } } } } } }, "functions" : [ { ...
"query" : { "function_score" : { "query" : { "filtered" : { "filter" : { "bool" : { "must" : { "match" : { "_all" : { "query" : "关键字", "type" : "boolean", "operator" : "AND" } } } } } } }, "functions" : [ { ...
es7.4 score_script 查询报错 search_phase_execution_exception 当ts查询的from和to的时间范围在库中没有记录时,查询报错,能稳定复现。_有对应的数据则能正常返回。_ 在此求助各位大佬,感激不尽!! 原始完整的restful请求: GET /vec_face/_search {"from":0,"size":10,"timeout":"2s","query":{"script_...
We would like to deprecate Function Score Query in 7.x 8.0 and completely remove it starting from 8.0 9.0 (increasing versions as we are far deep in 7.x already). The new script score query will replace it. Here we describe how a functio...
{"script": {"lang":"painless","source":"Math.log(_score * 2) + params.my_modifier"} } 同样的获取脚本可以用: GET _scripts/calculate-score 存储的脚本可以通过如下方式指定id参数来使用: GET_search{"query":{"script":{"script":{"id":"calculate-score","params":{"my_modifier":2 ...