Your support will directly contribute to hosting more enriching events and providing a platform for writers and speakers. Donate Disclaimer: Participation in SWN events, programs, contests, classes and workshops is not a promise or guarantee of employment, and is intended for educational and networking...
Here’s a video sample for you: In 2012, I emceed an IT seminar for Spark client Atrion called AlwaysOn Symposium, held at the Putnam Club at Gillette Stadium (home of the New England Patriots football team). I snuck in TWO of these three-question sets: — At the 2:03 mark, I ask...
the knowledge you imparted will serve me well in any endeavor. I will never look at a film or ad in the same complacent way again. The. Nuances you exposed for me to observe in the visual media are astonishing. I cannot wait to attend your seminar."-- Dr. Joel Franck, Workshop att...