but this is a first time that a panel of not only training coaches but members of Academe as well are called to lead the seminar. What I like about this seminar is that its a whole day learning program for runners aspiring to progress better through the help of top coaches, ...
Additionally, we visualized the microbial abundance of major bacterial phyla across host trophic diets. A phylogenetic tree, OTU table, and taxonomy table generated in QIIME were consolidated in R script using the phyloseq and ape packages [129,134]. The function “dotTree” from the R package ...
Seminar for StatisticsSveinbjörnssonSeminar for StatisticsGardarSeminar for StatisticsHennigSeminar for StatisticsLarsSeminar for StatisticsMaathuisSeminar for StatisticsMarloes H.Seminar for StatisticsBioinformaticsStekhoven, D. J., Moraes, I., Sveinbjo¨rnsson, G., Henning, L., Maathuis, M. H. and...
is presented, which includes discussion on contemporary political theater by Nicolas Kent, the artistic director of London's Tricycle Theatre, a seminar on marketing screenplay organized by the Creative Business of Screenwriting. Writer, producer, and script doctor Marilyn Horowitz and Affordable Housing...
The airline people stressed the need for creating a new method for funding the ATC system. Following the ATA's script, they proposed transferring about $2 billion in taxes paid by airline passengers to business aviation.OlcottJohnW.Business & Commercial Aviation...
This article focuses on the process of research and teaching that was activated in the Seminar, how graduate students were prepared and supervised to conduct interviews with two members of the same family from different generations, how they were actively involved in the adaptation of the original ...