DanSon Tang:Screen Space Planar Reflections in Ghost Recon69 赞同 · 1 评论文章 算法的实现步骤如下: 1、Projection Pass C++ 代码 Shader代码 上面的Shader主要是先根据当前像素的深度值计算出当前点在世界坐标下的位置,然后计算出反射点在世界坐标下的位置,根据位置反算出该点的UV,之后编码写入UAV。 2、Reso...
www.lfzxb.top/screen-space-plana-reflection-in-urp-study/ 前言 继续学习Colin大神的渲染示例库,这次学习的是屏幕空间平面反射(ScreenSpacePlanarReflection),一个可以用在移动端的平面反射库,但是对图形API有要求,PC/console/vulkan android/Metal iOS,OSX,因为其中用到了Compute Shader加速计算。项目还对不同平台...
完整代码在这里:https://github.com/idovelemon/UnityProj/tree/master/ScreenSpacePlanarReflection 参考文献 [1]HLSL-InterlockedMax [2]HLSL-InterlockedMin [3]GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix [4]Screen Space Planar Reflection [5]Optimized Pixel Projected Reflections for Planar Reflectors...
https://github.com/Steven-Cannavan/URP_ScreenSpacePlanarReflections UE4 source - PostProcessPixelProjectedReflectionMobile.usf (UE4 4.26) Change log 2020-08-23: add iOS/OSX support (with the help of MusouCrow) 2022-05-02: upgrade project to Unity2020.3.33f1, merged a bug fix in MobileSSPR...
Screen Space Pixel-projected Reflections Pixel-projected Reflections(PPR)是用于 planar reflections(平面反射,常见于水面、光滑地板)情况下的一种聪明且低廉的算法,其核心思路是将场景的像素投影到反射平面的像素上,从而避免了从反射平面像素出发投射光线的操作(避免了光追的调用)。 Projection Pass 首先,需要创建一个...
The Screen Space Reflection effect creates subtle reflections that simulate wet floor surfaces or puddles. This technique produces lower quality reflections than using Reflection Probes or planar reflections, which create perfectly smooth reflections. Sc
爱给网提供海量的Unity3D模型专辑资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为unity3d 格式的镜面反射 高级屏幕空间光泽反射1.02unity3d 扩展 (Candela SSRR Advanced Screen Space Glossy Reflections 1.02 unity3d 扩展 下载 ), 本站编号45887358, 该Unity3D模型专辑素材大小为119m, 该素材已被下载:3次, 更多精彩Unity3D模型专辑...
Microsoft collaborated with manufacturers like Samsung and produced tabletop Surface hardware. Samsung SUR40 is a good example of that. It has a 40-inch 1080p LED and it radically reduced the amount of internal space required for the touch sensing mechanisms. At 22-inches thick, it was thinner...
ISSUES:Sheen is usually OK when seen from the front, but from the side, it accumulates a lot of reflection in a small space, breaking the edge. TRY THIS:Find out what it takes to key this shot. You may have to either used very crunched settings. Or you might try multiple keyers with...
Screen Space Planar Reflections in Ghost Recon Wildlands 在大部分的引擎中,反射一般三种类型,平面反射,球形和box捕获反射,以及基于屏幕空间的反射。平面反射性能较高,因为相当于对整个场景进行二次渲染。…