screen reader释义 常用 牛津词典 释义 萤幕阅读器;双语例句 全部 1. Direct screen reader and multi - view. 直接屏幕读写和多视图. 来自互联网 2. This is the name of the keyboard shortcut to toggle the screen reader. 这是用于切换屏幕阅读器的键盘快捷键名称. 来自互联网 3. Most users with ...
screen reader 释义 萤幕阅读器 实用场景例句 全部 Directscreen readerand multi - view. 直接屏幕读写和多视图. 互联网 This is the name of the keyboard shortcut to toggle thescreen reader. 这是用于切换屏幕阅读器的键盘快捷键名称. 互联网 Most users with visual impairments will need ascreen reader...
网络释义 1. 屏幕阅读器 屏幕阅读器(Screen Reader)是尝试识别理解当前屏幕上显示信息的一种软件应用,屏幕阅读器通过 Accessibility 的接口识别 …|基于184个网页 2. 萤幕阅读器 萤幕阅读器(Screen Reader) - 可以读出萤幕上显示的文字 ,令视力有障碍的人仕可以知道萤幕的内容。盲人点...
《VovSoft Screen Reader 1.2》是一款文本语音工具,用户可通过鼠标获得屏幕上的文字内容,支持缩放功能,软件内拥有非常丰富的功能,操作也很简单,是一款非常不错的软件,感兴趣的小伙伴快来欢迎来下载哟! 软件截图 软件特色 一个简单的实用程序 文字转语音
Origin ofscreen reader1 First recorded in1935–40in the sense “a device for reading microfilm or microfiche” add this widget to your site Did You Know? Tuxedo was given its name after gaining popularity among diners at Tuxedo Park, NY. ...
The screen reader is known as TalkBack on Android and VoiceOver on iPhone. It provides spoken or audible feedback while using the phone, and as a person taps on an on-screen message or app, it will be read aloud. It can also be used to do things like speak out the time, read the...
这是一个使用纯Rust编写的读屏(Screen Reader)项目,用于视力有障碍的人群操作电脑,软件会将屏幕上的各种信息转换成语音输出。 rustaccessibilityscreen-readerblinda11yui-automationmsaatalkbacknvdarsrjava-access-bridgejabiaccessible2ia2 UpdatedJan 19, 2025 ...
Without a screen reader, I'd have to rely on others to read for me. Qatar National Library "a Place of Our Own" for the Visually Impaired A participant from a school for the blind in Pattaya, Thailand, showing his notebook with a built-in Braille display and screen reader, told The...
Become a screen reader expert Stichting Appt Free Screenshots iPhone iPad Description The ScreenReader app contains excersises to learn the VoiceOver screen reader. Learn VoiceOver gestures, such as: - Swiping with 1 finger - Swiping with 2 fingers ...
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