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Your widgets board is optimized to show relevant widgets and personalized content based on your usage. Note: Some features mentioned here may vary depending on your PC's configuration. In this topic Open widgets pane Navigate the Widgets region Add a widg...
The 12″ E-ink touch panel has a good refresh rate and optimized front light illumination for an enhanced reading and viewing experience. Its full-sized pen provides a natural pencil-and-paper-like feeling when you sketch or take notes. Powered ...
Your widgets board is optimized to show relevant widgets and personalized content based on your usage. Note: Some features mentioned here may vary depending on your PC's configuration. In this topic Open widgets pane Navigate the Widgets region Add a wid...
Sessions can be defined as optimized for use with screen readers. This includes both when using the Application Express development environment and also for use in your own applications. Topics: What Does Screen Reader Mode Do? Enabling Screen Reader Mode ...
Tableau Research explores techniques to make visualization dashboards more accessible to screen reader users.
If you click the “Use VoiceOver” button you are well on your way to using VO to test your websites and apps. One thing to keep in mind is that VO is optimized for use with Safari. That being said, make sure when you are running your screen reader test that Safari is the browser...
The 12″ E-ink touch panel has a good refresh rate and optimized front light illumination for an enhanced reading and viewing experience. Its full-sized pen provides a natural pencil-and-paper-like feeling when you sketch or take notes. Powered by one AAAA battery, the pen can also be doc...
Incorporating the aforementioned design goals, we implementedAzimuth, a prototype system to generate dashboards optimized for screen reader users. Specifically, given a dataset and a dashboard specification, the system parses the specification to generate a web page with a dashboard inherently structure...
isScreenReaderOptimized() && ariaLabel && visibilities.inputBox) { this._itemActivation = ItemActivation.NONE; } switch (this._itemActivation) { case ItemActivation.NONE: this._itemActivation = ItemActivation.FIRST; // only valid once, then unset @@ -1364,11 +1360,6 @@ export class ...