1:AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT. 相当于PBO,即:每次选择屏幕调用之前触发,选择屏幕输出之前,可以根据自己的需要改变。 2:AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON. 相当于PAI,即:屏幕操作时,会触发。可以做正确性检查,或者必输项处理等操作。 3:AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON EXIT-COMMAND. 补充这个事件,可能很多人没用过 即:当点击系...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi All, I have added 'Customer Data' Tab in Purchase Oreder Header by using screen exit.(Enhancement->MM06E005, Callling Screen -> SAPLXM06, Scr.no-> 0101). And I wrote the follwing code in the exit 'EXIT_SAPMM06E_006' to make thouse fields ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, I need to enhance the additonal data tab for Service Order Change (IW32). I found a exit that has a screen exit that allows me to do this. The new subscreen should have 2 buttons. On click of one button a custom transaction needs to be called...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Dear All, Can you please let me know whether there is any Screen exit in VA01 t.code at Item level. If there is any screen exit , then whats the procedure to develop it. Another query is , if I want to enter 10 extra fields in Sales order It...
Hi All, Can anyone let me know if there is a screen exit or a BADI where in i can use it to extend the COR1 general data tab to include a field. Even if i can add a
原文链接:【ABAP系列】SAP ABAP 刷新SCREEN的方法 回到顶部 前言部分 大家可以关注我的公众号,公众号里的排版更好,阅读更舒适。 回到顶部 正文部分 1: * 显示ALV CALL METHOD gr_alvgrid->set_table_for_first_display * 刷新ALV CALL METHOD gr_alvgrid->refresh_table_display ...
注意:PARAMETERS : R1 RADIOBUTTON GROUP D1 DEFAULT 'X' USER-COMMAND SINGLECLICK, 红色这一段话必须有,否则不能动态修改屏幕;选择一次单选框就会触发一次atselection-screen output,实现动态修改屏幕. SCREEN结构解释:在SAP屏幕中,一个字段就像.NET中的一个控件,这个 字段对应一个SCREEN结构,就像控件的多个属性。
在SAP 的 ABAP 编程语言中,`AT SELECTION-SCREEN`是一个事件处理程序,用于处理选择屏幕上的用户选择。 `AT SELECTION-SCREEN`事件在用户选择一个项目并按下回车键或者执行其他确认操作后触发。在`AT SELECTION-SCREEN`事件中,你可以编写代码来处理用户的选择,例如更新数据、执行特定的操作或者显示其他屏幕。
module liste_exit_command input. data: savestate type i . case ok_code. when 'CANC'. set screen 0. leave screen. when 'BACK'. if datastate = 'X'. call function 'POPUP_TO_CONFIRM_STEP' exporting titel = '退出维护' textline1 = '数据被修改。' ...
ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) 是 SAP 的一种编程语言,专门用于 SAP 应用程序的开发。在 ABAP 程序中,OK_CODE是一个非常重要的概念,它主要用于在用户界面(特别是在经典的 Dynpros 屏幕)与后台程序之间传递用户的操作指令。OK_CODE通常被定义为一个全局变量,用来存储屏幕元素(如按钮、菜单选项等...