EXIT. "退出当前处理模块,剩余模块继续执行 RETURN. "退出当前模块 CHECK. "跳出当前模块,执行下一个模块,相当于RETURN CONTINUE. "在LOOP/DO/WHILE等循环语句中使用,跳出当前循环,执行下一次循环
换言之,PAI中LEAVE TO SCREEN XXXX后的语句,系统将不会执行到。 在ABAP中,CALL TRANSACTION和SUBMIT report_name AND RETURN语句,也都是在调用栈上添加一层调用, 与CALL SCREEN有点类似。而LEAVE TO TRANSACTION以及SUBMIT report_name则是在调用栈当前层次的一个 跳转,与LEAVE TO SCREEN类似...
lINITIALIZATION中的STOP会导致跳转到AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT事件块; l如果STOP在AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT块里,则只是退出当前块(STOP后面语句不执行而已),仅接着是显示选择屏幕; lAT SELECTION-SCREEN [ON]…选择屏幕事件块中的STOP也只是退出当前事件块,继续后面的事件块; l另外,即使STOP在循环中,还是在FORM...
Syntax Variants: Effect Variant 1 Effect Variant 2 Effect
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi the question is simple: If I from a dynpro (MAIN) I call another dynpro using STARTING AT ... how can I return in MAIN with LEAVE TO SCREEN restoring original size of the dynpro?Reply 1
is defined in the PBO module. When the dynpro is exited usingLEAVE SCREEN, its processing is stopped and the list processor is started. The list events are handled in the same program. When the list processor is exited, the dynpro sequence of dynpro 500 is ended, because thenext dynpro0 ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development ABAP Development Programming Tool View products (1) Hi All, I am doing some validation in my subscreen and if i want to move out of subscreen ie i want to navigate to the other transaction or leave to screen 0 means how to make it?? i am getting...
Screen... "SAPMSSY1 3004" Screen Line... 2 Information on caller of Remote Function Call (RFC): System... "###" Database Release... 645 Kernel Release... 645 Connection Type... "E" (2=R/2, 3=ABAP System, E=Ext., R=Reg. Ext.) Call Type... "synchron and non-transactional...
Screen processing always involves a screen sequence that you start either using CALL SCREEN or a transaction code. During screen processing, the ABAP program is controlled by the dialog processor. In the ABAP program, the PBO and PAI modules are executed as they are called from the screen flow...
has already approved ...it is showing all the leave history as it shud get delete after approving the leaves of all emplyees from the UWL...how to delete it ...i refresh the page also 5 times ...wen i open the leave request it is going to dump kindly find the screen shot Regards...