However, I did not find from where it is called. According to your stacktrace, it's This class is available in yourframework.jar, but does not callisSupportSubMixRecording(). In any case, the obvious first attempt is to make the context initialized. This is...
After Updating IQOO Firmware to FuntouchOS 14, audio and clipboard not working [server] ERROR: Failed to invoke AudioRecord.<init>. java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: [class java.lang.Object, class java.lang.Object, class [I, int, int, int, int, class ...
Stuck on INFO: Initial texture | Display window never open - scrcpy is not working Options 05-06-2021 10:53 AM 3,092 Views vinothkumars Senior Contributor IV Hi All, Tying scrcpy (got stuck) for Android 9 Automotive with IMX8QM,...
An ordinary programmer, working mainly in C++ for desktop client development, graduated from Shandong for more than a year of steel simulation education software, and later moved to Shanghai to work in security, online education related fields, familiar with audio and video. I have an understandin...
An ordinary programmer, working mainly in C++ for desktop client development, graduated from Shandong for more than a year of steel simulation education software, and later moved to Shanghai to work in security, online education-related fields, familiar with audio and video. I have an understandin...
While recording is simple with Scrcpy,audio forwardingis a feature that isyet to make its way to the software. When you play a game or a video on your desktop via the free mirroring app, the correspondingaudio will come out from your phone. The lack of this feature may be bothersome to...
Since then, Ihave been workingon a proper integration into scrcpy(my evenings and weekends have been quite busy🙂). I added encoding, recording, buffering and playback with clock drift compensation to prevent audio delay from drifting.
Improve audio player (#4572) Adapt to display API changes in Android 15 (#4646, #4656, #4657) Adapt audio workarounds to Android 14 (#4492) Fix clipboard for IQOO devices on Android 14 (#4492, #4589, #4703) Fix integer overflow for audio packet duration (#4536) ...
and it works like a charm. I could browse the web, play a game, start a video call in LINE, watch a YouTube video in NewPipe in a maximized window (not fullscreen), display the Yahoo Finance app to show stock tickers, and so on. I could only hear ...
文章目录 前言 实现手机实时投屏 有线连接 无线投屏(确保电脑手机处于同一网络) 音频传输 实现思路1:使用开源项目usbaudio 实现思路2:使用开源项目sndcpy 实现思路3:使用Line-in 后文 前言 本文将实现基于scrcpy进行实时投屏,并对于音频传输给予部分解决方案。文章中涉及的配置如下: 1、电脑系统:Windows7 2、手机系统...