scrcpy --video-codec=h265 --max-size=1920 --max-fps=60 --no-audio --keyboard=uhid scrcpy --video-codec=h265 -m1920 --max-fps=60 --no-audio -K # short version 1. 2. 以H.265录制视频,麦克风录制,分辨率1920x1080 将设备摄像头录制为 MP4 文件: scrcpy --video-source=camera --video...
scrcpy --audio-source=mic --no-video --no-playback --record=file.opus 编码 scrcpy--audio-codec=opus# 默认值scrcpy--audio-codec=aac# 设备没有 Opus 编码器可以选择这个scrcpy--audio-codec=raw# 未压缩的 PCM 16 位 LE# 查看所有支持列表scrcpy--list-encoders# 指定编码器scrcpy--audio-codec=op...
scrcpy --no-video --no-audio -G and in OTG mode (i.e. without requiring USB debugging): scrcpy --otg -G More details in#5270and inthe documentation. --max-fpsimprovement Android accepts floating point values for the frame rate limitation, but--max-fpsonly accepted integers. Now, it ac...
ERROR: Could not open audio device: WASAPI can't initialize audio client: No se ha llamado a CoInitialize. ERROR: Demuxer error WARN: Killing the server... And then it closes, Disabling the audio with "scrcpy --no-audio" works.
scrcpy --video-codec=h265 -m1920 --max-fps=60 --no-audio -K# short version Start VLC in a new virtual display (separate from the device display): scrcpy --new-display=1920x1080 --start-app=org.videolan.vlc Record the device camera in H.265 at 1920x1080 (and microphone) to an ...
There is no visual feedback, a log is printed to the console. The target directory can be changed on start: 代码语言:javascript 复制 scrcpy--push-target/sdcard/foo/bar/ Audio forwarding | 可借助USBaudio这个开源项目实现,但仅支持Linux系统 | ...
user benefits: no account, no ads, no internet required freedom: free and open source software Its features include: audio forwarding(Android 11+) recording mirroring withAndroid device screen off copy-pastein both directions configurable quality ...
There is no visual feedback, a log is printed to the console. The target directory can be changed on start: scrcpy --push-target /sdcard/foo/bar/ Audio forwarding | 可借助USBaudio这个开源项目实现,但仅支持Linux系统 | Audio is not forwarded byscrcpy. Use [USBaudio] (Linux-only). ...
手机端没声音正常,如果不想传输声音到电脑,可以在启动参数里添加 --no-audio 2、键盘打汉字没反应软件不支持输入中文(提示[server] WARN: Could not inject char u+1234)需要把电脑输入法改成英文输入(注意:直接按shift是切换手机端的中英文键盘)建议把手机键盘切换为26键拼音输入,对应电脑键盘输入更方便...
请注意,OTG 的目的是在不使用 USB 调试(adb)的情况下控制设备。 如果您想在启用 USB 调试的同时仅控制设备而不进行镜像,则无需使用 OTG 模式。 相反,禁用视频和音频,并选择 UHID(或 AOA): scrcpy --no-video --no-audio --keyboard=uhid --mouse=uhid scrcpy --no-video --no-audio -KM # 简洁版...