scp -P <port_number> <options> <username>@source<username>@destination Let’s break down the above syntax: -P <port_number>: this is the part that tellsscpto use a specific port number other than the default22 <options>: any other option we may want to use with thescpcommand ...
-portport-number指定远端SCP服务器的端口号。整数形式,取值范围是1~65535。缺省值为22。 public-net指定在公网中连接SCP服务器。- vpn-instancevpn-instance-name指定远端SCP服务器端的VPN实例名,标识连接到指定VPN实例中的SCP服务器。字符串形式,区分大小写,不支持空格,长度范围是1~31个字符。
scp ipv6[ [vpn-instancevpn-instance-name] |public-net] [-force-receive-pubkey] [ [-portserver-port] | [identity-keyidentity-key-type] | [user-identity-keyuser-key] | [ [-asource-ipv6-address] | [-oi{interface-name|interface-typeinterface-number} ] ] |-r|-c| [-ciphercipher] |...
This tutorial explains how to transfer files or directories using SCP (Secure Copy Protocol) with a different port than the default 22 (SSH) port. By default, the SCP command uses the port 22 (SSH). In case the remote system has configured the SSH service to run on a different port, y...
Re: scp file with a specific port Hi,you can use scp -P but on the other side ssh should listen that port number. so you should do appropirate changes. Computers have lots of memory but no imagination 0 Kudos Reply Sandeep_Chaudhary Trusted Contributor 09-22-2008 01:57 A...
To use SCP with a different port, you need to use the-Pflag followed by the port number that you want to use. For example, the following command will recursively copy my “backup” directory and connect to my remote server using port 2222: ...
SCP-1474 - In Solidarity with Xiu Lidao, Great Sage, Equal of Heaven SCP-1475 - 100% Brainpower SCP-1476 - Shattering Geese SCP-1477 - The Philosopher's Stove SCP-1478 - Inconveniently Stereotypical Cacti SCP-1479 - Inside-Outside SCP-1480 - Bus #64 SCP-1481 - Crack Genie SCP-1482 ...
Description: Also known as LoI-504, La Rue Macabre is a pocket dimension and anomalous Free Port consisting mostly of uninhabited swampland, with a small settlement built where the Free Port borders on the French Quarter of New Orleans. La Rue Macrabe is home to a number of anomalous entitie...
# Use port 80 to bypass the firewall, instead of the scp default 小写的 p 开关与 scp 一起使用以保留时间和模式。 这是scp 手册页的摘录,其中包含有关两个开关的所有详细信息,并解释了为什么为 scp 选择大写 P: -P 端口指定要在远程主机上连接的端口。请注意,此选项用大写字母 “P” 编写,因为...
Translations: You can translate the majority of parts of the plugin (with some exceptions on some staff commands), to use a translation head over to Localization folders on github and if it's present copy and paste the content inside Configs/port-translations.yml, if you wish you can contrib...