当前仅支持为SSH用户分配default证书。 提交配置 commit - 表7-29 配置对SSH用户进行sm2或password-sm2认证 操作步骤 命令 说明 进入系统视图 system-view - 使能SSH服务器公钥算法 ssh server publickey sm2 - 进入SM2公钥视图 sm2 peer-public-key key-name - 进入公钥编辑视图 public...
# Use port 80 to bypass the firewall, instead of the scp default 小写的 p 开关与 scp 一起使用以保留时间和模式。 这是scp 手册页的摘录,其中包含有关两个开关的所有详细信息,并解释了为什么为 scp 选择大写 P: -P 端口指定要在远程主机上连接的端口。请注意,此选项用大写字母 “P” 编写,因为 ...
If the target computer isn't using the default SSH port of 22, you can use the-P(port number) option to provide the appropriate port number. Retrieving a Single File To copy a file from a remote server, simply put the remote server as the source, and put the local path where you wa...
如果没有使用ssh useruser-name命令配置相应的SSH用户,则可以直接执行ssh authentication-type default password命令为用户配置SSH认证缺省采用密码认证,在用户数量比较多时,对用户使用预设密码认证方式可以简化配置,此时只需再配置AAA用户即可。 配置SSH用户的服务方式为all ...
By default, SCP uses port 22. However, if aremote system is configured to listen to SSH requestson a different port, use the–Pswitch to specify the port. For example, the following command copies a file from a local to a remote server using port 2222: ...
if (!File.Exists(winSCPDefaultPath)) { Console.WriteLine("WinSCP.exe 执行程序不存在. 无法执行"); return "WinSCP.exe 执行程序不存在. 无法执行"; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat("{0} /console /command", winSCPDefaultPath); sb.Append(" \"option batch continue\"...
user: inheritance: [] default: true permissions: - scputils_speak.scp049 owner: permissions: - scputils.* - scputils_speak.* admin: inheritance: [] permissions: - scputils.playerinfo - scputils.playerlist - scputils.changecolor - scputils.changenickname - scputils.badgevisibility - scputils...
The default TCP port used for SCP file transfer is 22 (the standard SSH port). Unlike other internet standards, there is noRFCor formal standard for SCP - it's part of the open-sourceOpenSSH project. You can view all of OpenSSH's source code at itsGitHub project. ...
This option takes port number as an input. The default value is 5093. -customerid Specifies the customer ID defined in Sentinel EMS for which SCP fetches licenses. This option takes customer ID as an input. NOTE SCP supports only one customer ID. -pkid Specifies the product key of ...
7. Connect to a different port number on remote host If the remote server has ssh daemon running on a different port (default is 22), then you need to tell scp to use that particular port number using the '-P' option. $ scp -vC -P 2200 ~/test.txt [email protected]:/some/path...