It also briefly occurred to him that the containment crew examining the house he had lived in for seven years in close contact with her had seen this event that he so desperately wanted to forget play out in extreme detail hundreds, maybe thousands of times, and that he felt terribly ashame...
Was I and the player character merely following a script given to us? That whatever I did, the outcome for these characters would be the same? SCP-8017-A-1: No. SCP-8017-A-1: It shouldn't be. If I had the knowledge I had, I should use it to prove myself to your kind. I ...
SCP-076-2, also known as Able, is a supporting character in the SCP Foundation series, based off Abel from the Biblical Book of Genesis. He is a murderous barbarian who inhabits SCP-076-1, a Keter-class anomaly under the SCP Foundation's containment, and
This contrasts with traditional crimes, such as burglaries or stalking, where government regulations and law enforcement agencies play a greater policing role than private organizations. As such, we argue that there is an imperative to explore the extent of how SCP and the concomitant 25 techniques...
data_center_mode: (true/false) ensure all resources that ApisCP can account for are accounted. Also enables the pernicious bastardmysqld_per_account_innodb! #Specialized roles New in 3.2.45 cp.role Scope # Assign platform as a development servercpcmd scope:set cp.role dev ...
The cast are surprised at its presense, as they "didn't ask them for help". The new ship sends a transmission appologising that "this was all we could spare". Remainder of the episode proceeds largely as per script. However, when the character Lorien prepares to leave, he takes a ...