Site-57: an op, peeper, shamus and/or snooper? Marw: Now you're speakin' my language! Site-57: oooooh, I love roleplay :) nobody's ever played detective with me before Site-57: -tosses my hair- Site-57: Of all the cats in the world, why did you have to walk into me? M...
NPCs can manipulate and create programming code, as well as nullify developer commands. TransmissionWhen asked about transcending into our realm and possession, however, SCP-8017-B-1 stated that the attempts by his kin were gambles and that there was no structured phase for it. He also ...
The ability to compel subjects of its primary anomalous ability to perform actions on its behalf through verbalized commands.4 Following Incident 166-CL, SCP-166-ARC began actively resisting containment efforts. Revocation of privileges5 was largely ineffective, as SCP-166-ARC appears to have disavow...
Pro tip: use scputils_speak.* to allow someone to speak with all the SCPs, set permission to default role to allow everyone to speak with that scp. Console commands must be executed like .scputils_help in game console (press ò to open it) Round Info This command allows to show advan...
The ability to compel subjects of its primary anomalous ability to perform actions on its behalf through verbalized commands.4 Following Incident 166-CL, SCP-166-ARC began actively resisting containment efforts. Revocation of privileges5 was largely ineffective, as SCP-166-ARC appears to have disavow...
Ngo's brief was to bring the splintered regional commands all back under the common fold. Some of them were willing enough; the French and British branches had been about to join forces anyway, and both halves of Africa were looking forward to throwing their weight around for a change, havi...
Then a hand-drawn blueprint of a research lab, with instructions to reach someone's console and enter some commands that might possibly get things back to normal. And scribbled at the bottom: "I'm sorry." Sorry you failed in your jobs? Sorry you took us to the moon and put ...
Jon typed a few commands into the keys. " The security office isn't responding… uh, I - I can't connect to anybody, Dr. Salazar! The network is down!" "The phone lines?" "All down!" At that moment, a smaller monitor directly in front of Jon's face began flashing with a telep...
As before, she'd had to take mnestics to figure out the requisite elevator commands. As before, she had a flash of Yésica leaping to her doom at Zevala, now compounded with a vision of her earlier trip to find nothing very much at all at the end of a long and winding evidence ...