This month's site news announces the spring cleaning event, and that there's an international contest coming up! Read ithere! FEATURED SCP SCP-8598: The Sharpshooter byPlaguePJP|Selected by PlaguePJP SCP-8598 is professional wrestler and reality bender Gary Moreno. ...
This month's site news announces the spring cleaning event, and that there's an international contest coming up! Read ithere! FEATURED SCP SCP-8598: The Sharpshooter byPlaguePJP|Selected by PlaguePJP SCP-8598 is professional wrestler and reality bender Gary Moreno. ...
Locations of Interest-IT— Locations of Interest from the Italian Wiki. (untranslated) Foundation Facilities— Foundation Facilities from around the world. Log of Unexplained Locations— Minor locations requiring limited containment and concealment.‡...
不管是真还是假,在他身边我就感到不安和恐惧,我就是觉得它不对劲。” -Dr. Aidan Reid, 中级研究员, Site-02 技能操作指南 - [LMB] — 心脏骤停 当新怪谈-049攻击玩家后,受到心脏骤停状态影响,受害者将会在几秒内失去生命。 心脏骤停状态可以被治愈,但是如果放任不管等待你的便只有死亡。人类可以通过以下方式...
SCP-049被收容在Site-19的研究区(Research Sector)-02中的标准安全人形收容单元内。试图运输SCP-049前必须事先予以镇静。在运输过程中,SCP-049必须被固定在Ⅲ级人形限制系带(包括锁圈和延伸限制装置)内,并由至少两名武装守卫监控。虽然SCP-049通常会与大部分基金会人员合作,但其情绪爆发或行为的突然变化必须...
Site-02周围的安全摄像头是 新怪谈-079 导航的主要方式。 摄像头是 新怪谈-079使用的主要观察方法。 摄像头是 SCP-079使用的主要观察方法。 新怪谈-079 显示的HUD与游戏中的其他职业不同。屏幕左上方显示新怪谈-079当前所在的房间。右上角列出当前可以执行的能力及其花费。左下角是一个通知面板,通知玩家获得经验...
Project Proposal 2024-476: "A Feat of Dentalism"(+14) The Cogwork Cult(+13) Where Dragons Dwell (Mindversion)(+10) Archive See Also hub page revision: 144, last edited:17 Feb 2024, 01:56 (386 days ago) EditRate (+52)TagsDiscuss (109)HistoryFilesPrintSite tools+ Options...
Description: SCP-3999 was, apparently, a Keter class object, possibly an entity of some kind. It is currently unknown what other properties SCP-3999 might have had. SCP-3999's containment chamber was discovered during a routine inspection of all Keter class containment chambers at Site 118. RA...