This month's site news announces the spring cleaning event, and that there's an international contest coming up! Read ithere! FEATURED SCP SCP-8598: The Sharpshooter byPlaguePJP|Selected by PlaguePJP SCP-8598 is professional wrestler and reality bender Gary Moreno. ...
Locations of Interest-IT— Locations of Interest from the Italian Wiki. (untranslated) Foundation Facilities— Foundation Facilities from around the world. Log of Unexplained Locations— Minor locations requiring limited containment and concealment.‡...
Site-17 Director and grown-ass man Benjamin Kondraki has a problem. So You Wanna Build a Canon So You Wanna Adopt a Canon page revision: 265, last edited:19 Aug 2024, 00:57 (15 days ago) EditRate (+93)TagsDiscuss (58)HistoryFilesPrintSite tools+ Options...
This month's site news announces the spring cleaning event, and that there's an international contest coming up! Read ithere! FEATURED SCP SCP-8598: The Sharpshooter byPlaguePJP|Selected by PlaguePJP SCP-8598 is professional wrestler and reality bender Gary Moreno. ...
众所周知,Site-17是一个收容低风险人形实体的基金会设施,里面收容着诸如被编号为073,105,239,343,600,1915之类的低风险人形实体。 Site-17是一个主要基金会设施,主要专注于收容和研究低风险人形个体。因此,Site-17的永久工作人员包括一大批医学和心理教授。设施内收容的包括:SCP-073,SCP-105,SCP-343。
-Dr. Alyssa Warwick, 中级研究员, Site-02 在游戏中 新怪谈-018 可以在设施内防弹储物柜 №7中找到,需要钥匙卡的权限包含二级收容权限和检查点权限 当装备时,可以通过按 单击左键或“扔出物品”键来扔出.鼠标左键将新怪谈-018扔出,一旦被扔出,新怪谈-018就会在它被扔进去的房间里弹跳,在撞击时造成伤害...
Welcome to the SCP Sandbox Wiki!You can use pages on this site to practice formatting, store works in progress, or simply have a place to put drafts so you can show others and get feedback before posting to the main site. REMEMBER: when making edits, always use the "SAVE" function and...
Description: Moved to Site-19 1993. Origin is as of yet unknown. It is constructed from concrete and rebar with traces of Krylon brand spray paint. SCP-173 is animate and extremely hostile. The object cannot move while within a direct line of sight. Line of sight must not be broken at...