SCP: Secret Laboratory is a Unity re-make of the popular gamemode on Garry's Mod, called SCP: Breach. The current version of the game is: v10.2.2 Check the changelog if you are interested in more details! About This Wiki This Wiki was founded after noticing the absence of official in...
Wiki Steam Community Discussions Discord Availability•Link SourceDRMNotesKeysOS Steam Discord(unavailable) Game data•Link Privacy and Other Settings Configuration file(s) location•Link SystemLocation Windows%APPDATA%\SCP Secret Laboratory Steam Play (Linux)<SteamLibrary-folder>/steamapps/compatdata...
SCP Secret LaboratoryFrom AppleGamingWiki, the wiki about gaming on M1 Apple silicon Macs macOS Compatibility Compatibility layerRatingNotes CrossOver Unplayable Anti Cheat prevents Boot Wine Unplayable Anti Cheat prevents Boot Virtualization Parallels Perfect runs well on high settings References Category: ...英文)中文) 新怪谈-096是新怪谈秘密实验室 中七个可以操作的SCP之一。 新怪谈-096 充当着进攻类的新怪谈角色, 能够与团队有效地推进,一旦被激怒,它就能撕裂大群目标。
Official Sister Site ↬ The Wanderer's Library ↫ The Wanderer's Library features the endless fantastical stories contained within the Library, home to the Serpent's Hand and readers of all shapes and sizes. Stories should inspire Wonder - a sense that there is a larger world beyond the ...
Revision history of "SCP: Secret Laboratory"View logs for this pageFilter revisionsExpand Diff selection: Mark the radio boxes of the revisions to compare and hit enter or the button at the bottom. Legend: (cur) = difference with latest revision, (prev) = difference with preceding revision, ...
5.1.1 SCP: Secret Laboratory 5.2 In Online Series 5.2.1 SCP: Sedition 6 Trivia7 External Links8 NavigationAppearanceSCP-999 appears to be a large gelatinous mass of orange slime weighing about 120 lbs(54.4kg), with a consistency similar to that of peanut butter, which shows great affec...
在左侧可见有个Depots的选项,进入并查看SCP: Secret Laboratory Windows Content旁的数字,此数字是DepotsID(其余的是游戏运行库,一般无需关注,当然你如果要下载也可以自行选择) DepotsID 点击那串数字并点击左侧的Manifests,这里所展示的是所有版本的ManifestID,虽然没有表注具体版本,但可以参照官方Wiki(https://en....
1 SCP: Secret Laboratory [EN Wiki].SCPSL官方wiki.2020-08-17 [引用日期2020-08-23] 2 steam上的SCP: Secret Laboratory.steam商店界面 [引用日期2025-01-14] 3 Locations - SCP: Secret Laboratory [EN Wiki].SCP: Secret Laboratory [EN Wiki] [引用日期2020-09-26] 4 Decontamination_Process.SCP: ...