SCP: Secret Laboratory is a Unity re-make of the popular gamemode on Garry's Mod, called SCP: Breach. The current version of the game is: v10.2.2 Check the changelog if you are interested in more details! About This Wiki This Wiki was founded after noticing the absence of official in...
SCP Secret LaboratoryFrom AppleGamingWiki, the wiki about gaming on M1 Apple silicon Macs macOS Compatibility Compatibility layerRatingNotes CrossOver Unplayable Anti Cheat prevents Boot Wine Unplayable Anti Cheat prevents Boot Virtualization Parallels Perfect runs well on high settings References Category: ...
Wiki Steam Community Discussions Discord Availability•Link SourceDRMNotesKeysOS Steam Discord(unavailable) Game data•Link Privacy and Other Settings Configuration file(s) location•Link SystemLocation Windows%APPDATA%\SCP Secret Laboratory Steam Play (Linux)<SteamLibrary-folder>/steamapps/compatdata...中文) 新怪谈-096是新怪谈秘密实验室 中七个可以操作的SCP之一。 新怪谈-096 充当着进攻类的新怪谈角色, 能够与团队有效地推进,一旦被激怒,它就能撕裂大群目标。 新怪谈-079与新怪谈-096不能在同一回合中生成,除非服务器有足够的玩家在一轮中生成六个新怪谈。新...
Talk:SCP: Secret Laboratory Anonymous edits have been disabled on the wiki. If you want to contribute pleaseloginorcreatean account. Warning for game developers:PCGamingWiki staff members will only ever reach out to you using the officialpress@pcgamingwiki.commail address....
This site news contains an announcement on progress on the wikijump project, a contest by the Spanish branch, and the English branch's public domain contest! Read ithere! FEATURED SCP SCP-8598: The Sharpshooter byPlaguePJP|Selected by PlaguePJP ...
2012年的游戏 SCP - Containment Breach,后续还有其他同人团队开发的升级版SCP: Secret Laboratory、Unity重置版 SCP:Untiy,但都比较粗糙、偏向恐怖氛围向 脑叶公司、废墟图书馆:已经是玩法创意出色、剧情叙事完整有张力的优秀独立游戏 2023年爆款独立游戏致命公司:销量预估超1000万,营收1亿美元以上 ...
Our wiki is currently undergoing maintenance. Various things may not be functional. Welcome to the Official SCP: Secret Laboratory Wiki! Managed by Northwood Studios. The official information hub for all things SCP:SL, with 219 pages and counting! Below you can find some articles on the SCP...
Keycards are a type of Item found in SCP: Secret Laboratory. They are used to access different rooms in Site-02 that are locked with a NFC Reader. Contents 1 In Game 1.1 Access Tiers (Keycards) 1.2 Access Tiers (Doors) 1.2.1 Containment Access 1.2.2 Security Access 1.2.3 Other ...