I'm trying to ultimately get SCP: Secret Lab running as a dedicated server to host from, and have gotten SteamCMD to install the needed files for that, as well as installed mono-complete. However, everything I've seen for this game suggests I need a GUI to meaningfully do anything more...
every player that joins the server. AdminToolboxand it's team have been granted permission byNorthwood Studiosunder theCC-BYlicense to publish server modifications for the gameSCP:Secret Laboratory. Releases24 AdminToolbox 1.3.10Latest Jul 1, 2022 ...
SCP-6820 - A superintelligent autonomous eigenweapon inhabiting a colossal self-sustaining facility located beneath Secure Administration Site-01; it is equipped with a dedicated PH-GOS unit, qualifying the anomaly as a Class-IX reality-bender. Any and all attempts to disrupt or destroy the weapon...
Photographed Activity: Displaying a page dedicated to Technician Empira's dog. Photo Result: No change. Notes: Not surprised, given I'm only really viewing what the server spits out. Subject: SCP-3883 Photographed Activity: Sitting in its locker. Photo Result: A tall humanoid entity displaying...
The fact that SCP-3922-A instances refused to use 'Hacked clients' might imply that they are operating in the universe of the game directly, as opposed to operating in the universe of those playing on the server. -Senior Researcher Talapus Subject: Cryptoland (2022, Unrated), a 10 minute...
SCP-8888 interfaces with theEight Balldatabase (D8B8): a dedicated, enigmatically-encrypted server accessible only to Council Archivist O5-2 and AI conscript 8B-A1. In order to secure itself and Site-15 against external threats (paranatural or otherwise), SCP-8888 has designed, maintained and...