Do you want to save the configuration only for THIS server (on port 30057 or should it become a GLOBAL configuration (default one for all future servers - servers not configured yet)? [this/global]://您是只想保存此服务器的配置(在端口 30057 上),还是应该成为 GLOBAL 配置(所有未来服务器的默...
登录Steam,在 “库” 中搜索关键字“SCP”,在工具中找到“SCP:Secret Laboratory Dedicated Server”并下载。注:SCP:Secret Laboratory ServerMod 是 SCPSL官方开源的代码文件,各类服务器的插件需要该文件进行创作而成。仅开服是不会用到的。 SCPSL服务器文件 位置图 4.下载完成后,需第一次启用“SCP:Secret Labo...
在下方输入框内输入yes回车即可(不知道输入no会怎样,如果你懂,你可以自行设置服务器) Should timestamps in the LocalAdmin logs use server timezone (otherwise UTC time will be use)? [yes/no]//LocalAdmin 日志中的时间戳是否应使用服务器时区(否则将使用 UTC 时间)?[是/否]: 在下方输入框内输入yes回...
1. 找到服务器文件夹,通常位于Steam安装目录下的`Steam\steamapps\common\SCP Secret Laboratory Dedicated Server`。2. 打开`config_gameplay.txt`文件,根据你的需求编辑服务器设置,例如最大玩家数、回合时间等。3. 保存文件并关闭。## 第四步:启动服务器1. 返回到服务器文件夹,找到并运行`LocalAdmin.exe`。2...
To join your SCP: Secret Laboratory Server directly, you'll first need to find your Server's IP address: Log in to yourcontrol panel. Find your Server Address and copy both theIPand thePort. Using Direct Connect Once you have your server's IP and port you're able to connect to your...
1. 找到服务器文件夹,通常位于Steam安装目录下的`Steam\steamapps\common\SCP Secret Laboratory Dedicated Server`。 2. 打开`config_gameplay.txt`文件,根据你的需求编辑服务器设置,例如最大玩家数、回合时间等。 3. 保存文件并关闭。 ## 第四步:启动服务器 ...
You are interested in something before buying your own SCP: Secret Laboratory server? The answers below may help. F Can I have access to the config if I appear to 2 owners but not the owner of the server ? N What is SCP: EXILED? r what is servermod? M Does the server pop ...
To open the remote admin console ingame, once you are logged into the server, you would use the "M" key. If the server is running, you will have to restart the server for it to take affect. Or if the server is offline, simply turn the server on and then check the Remote Admin ...
Remote Admin is a robust administrative and moderation utility for any SCP: Secret Laboratory server. To make use of Remote Admin, you must have the permissions of a moderator or higher. You can find more information on becoming an adminhere. ...