Rule of thumb: Don't try to push a group of people to vote the same as you. Comments: You can comment almost anywhere on the site1, as long as you are respectful to other users. All comments must follow the Criticism Policy. Do not troll or make personal attacks. Arguments: You ...
Note: Not every call to check out an article by someone who dislikes it is brigading. Context and intent will determine whether or not an incident is considered brigading. Rule of thumb: Don't try to push a group of people to vote the same as you. Upvoting your own article:You can ...
However, we can't hope to hold this Site against the full might of the Foundation. <Silence.> Bowe: Control her thumb for me. I think it's time for us to go big or go home. <End Log> Sorry, Terry. This file is hard to find. They locked these up on purpose. Why? … …why...
Cache compression partially mitigates this problem by providing an effective cache capacity larger than the physical capacity of the cache, but the prevalent rule of thumb dictates that the miss rate lowers by only the square root of the additional cache capacity. Data prefetching and streaming ...
Nevertheless as a rule of thumb we can say that React Native just needs a **native** screen where JavaScript runtime can manipulate components and views. It means that whenever we create a React Native application from scratch we instantiate it on a (very basic, bare) native codebase. ...
Both the scp and rsync commands have their respective strengths and weaknesses, but in day-to-day use, determining which is best will generally come down to how you’re using them. There’s a fairly simple rule of thumb you can use to help remember which one to use in a given situatio...
"Monica, go down to Central Records and have them pull all the files on anomalous objects and entities capable of causing explosions. Be sure to include the ones presently in containment; we can't rule out a theft." "On it," she said, leaving. Harper turned to Muir, "Any indications ...
This is a complete installer for Arma II AO dedicated server on Linux. To my experience, dedicated servers as a rule of thumb do not require any GUI, however they often require arcane configuration files and a forest of command line options. 0 Reply ...
“Rule of thumb” - 一种基于经验而非精确计算的简单指导原则。这个说法可能与古代木工使用拇指宽度作为测量单位有关。 这些俗语反映了美国的历史、社会习俗和语言习惯,是理解和融入美国文化的重要窗口。请注意,这些俗语的用法可能会因地区和个人差异而有所不同。©...
4. **表示习惯或常规**: - As a rule, I don't eat fast food.(我通常不吃快餐。) - It's a rule of thumb that you should drink eight glasses of water a day.(一天喝八杯水是一个经验法则。) 5. **在特定领域中的应用**: - In chess, the rule is that the king cannot be put in...