SCP-8400 - The Birch Knight and the Game of Three Chestnuts Lord Jeser Not a contest entry, but a crackfic about gods anywaysNx-43: Verstecktedorf Area Class: Camelot Location: Baden-Württemberg, Germany Containment Facility: Site-99 Description: Verstecktedorf is a small town in Germany wh...
In the wake of Dr. Sinclair's report, Foundation GOI specialist Dr. Justine Everwood reached out to speak to the current membership of the Metaphysical Club. Notably, the group's numbers had dwindled significantly since the beginning of the 20th century, and only three were able to be reache...
In the wake of Dr. Sinclair's report, Foundation GOI specialist Dr. Justine Everwood reached out to speak to the current membership of the Metaphysical Club. Notably, the group's numbers had dwindled significantly since the beginning of the 20th century, and only three were able to be reache...
[3]Mobile Task Forces页面下“ADDING NEW ENTRIES”(添加新条目)条:As a general rule, Mobile Task Forces on the main list have been used in at least five articles written by at least three authors.(一般来说,进入主列表的MTF需要由三名作者撰写的五篇故事)”自引一下,关于九尾狐的起源和谁先谁...
Class D employees receive at least 3 (three) daily balanced meals, and can choose to eat or not eat certain products based on personal taste, as well as avoid items that can cause allergic crises, such as peanuts. They also receive medication for continuous use for their eventual illnesses,...
Joke SCPs are generally considered harder to write than main-series SCPs and are one of the top three most difficult things for new authors to write about (along with Humanoids and Keter-class objects). Please don't randomly write things here. Just don't. If you want to write a joke ...
There are three ways to upgrade your cards: Fine Very Fine: Higher upgrades than fine but 50% chance to destroy the card 1:1 to exchange for a similar value Coarse/Rough: Downgrade or destroy the card And, here is a flow chart created by the community that displays the upgrade path (...
Super Strength:It is not known for sure the limit of its strength, but it was recorded in its escape that I was able to break three steel doors and one of titanium fused to the strongest niobium in theory and equal to the force of SCP-XXXX. ...
From the outset, SCP consisted of a series of techniques, directed at specific forms of crime, which manipulated crime event situations to reduce opportunities for crimes to occur. In 1992, Clarke (1995) introduced 12 SCP techniques, which were grouped into three general strategies. These were ...
When two or three outlets are used at the same time, the quick charge function will be automatically turned off. According to the connection shown in the "typical application diagram", when any output port has entered the fast charging output mode, when the other output port is plugged in ...