SCP Security Stories Red Right Hand Mod is a very basic edit of SCP Security Stories. As of right now all this mods is change the NTF appearance. I am planning to add more rooms and new gameplay elements.Add media Media No videos were found in the gallery requested. Upload some media...
The Red Right Hand didn't fuck around when it came to their equipment."Stalled," the dispatcher responded. "Building security won't clear us for fire."Well, then, fuck building security. Van Rompay examined the slithering tank minutely, scanning its body, noting its proportions. It hadn't...
It got so dark down there you couldn't see your hand in front of your face without a torch. The only light we didn't bring with us was the faintest red glow from way up above, but it wasn't worth much. Dir. Lancaster: What did you find at the bottom? St. Moore: The bottom ...
MTF(red right hand,Guard,Lieutenant,MTF Scientist,comannder)SCP(重生在重收容区)Factory PersonalCM有一个新人物,Concil member,开局有05card并有一个Glock-7(手枪),SCP数量增多,scp会在13:00后出生,时长14:00,会在9:00,6:00,3:00时重生一些组别(但必须是旁观者状态,例如只剩一点D级,就会重生混沌,SCP...
Very basic build will update. Turn the NTF from security stories into The Red Right Hand just a simple texture swap will turn into something bigger
8. Not to say that we have first-hand experience of any of this—we were 3 years old in 2003—but Leah grew up in Three Portlands, so she probably experienced the fallout from some of the more extreme pranks. -Indigo 9. Spliced together from a variety of source material, including Qu...
With the disarmer you can handcuff them. Then they might be used for containing 106 ;) Beware though that they, for some messed up reason, can still open doors. From: JTF-tr1vZJan 24, 2018 0 0 Play as SCP strategy SCP-173 (the statue/Peanut)AIght, lets talk about nutty boi. ...
High Risk Member
One landed close enough for an agent to snatch it in a gloved hand and pitch it away, but it was too late. Pale, thick smoke was already enveloping them, expanding and spreading across the yard. Nathan cut right through the trees, emerging a hundred feet away as he made his approach....
The Red and Blue ColorsMulti-Colored ProofsA set of 11 proofs exists showing the sequence of applications of colors and the cumulative results for front and back. I have selected a few to show to the reader. These are very rare and I doubt another such set exists. I found an old hand...