DRAGON HORSE DH-S001 SCP基金会系列 机动特遣队Alpha-1 “红右手” 1:12比例可动人偶 DRAGON HORSE DH-S001 SCP FOUNDATION SERIES MTF ALPHA-1 ”RED RIGHT HAND” 1/12 SCALE ACTION FIGURE配件内容: 武器收纳箱 x 1 M110狙击步槍 x 1 军用PDA x 1 两脚架 (折叠) x 1 两脚架 (展开) x 1 8倍镜...
α1 机动特遣队Alpha-1(“Red Right Hand”-红右手) 机动特遣队Alpha-1是一个直接听命于O5议会的特遣队并用于需要严格操作安全的情况。由基金会最好的最忠诚的作业员组成,所有和MTF Alpha-1有关的其他信息都被编级为5级。 α4 机动特遣队Alpha-4(“Pony Express”-小马快递) 机动特遣队Alpha-4主要由受过秘密...
Surrender your seats to the Red Right Hand. Return your loyal soldiers to the fold. Become that which you were meant to be, remember your great purpose, and admit the righteous victory of the Chaos Insurgency. <The insignia returns.> The Engineer: You will respond by midnight on August ...
机动特遣队Alpha-1(“Red Right Hand”-红右手) 特遣队任务:机动特遣队Alpha-1是一个直接听命于O5议会的特遣队并用于需要严格操作安全的情况。由基金会最好的最忠诚的作业员组成,所有和MTF Alpha-1有关的其他信息都被编级为5级。 协助收容的项目:
Special Containment Procedures:Access to Point Aleph is restricted to members of the SCP Foundation Overseer Council. Access restriction is to be maintained remotely by Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand". Under absolutely no circumstances is any person to access SCP-5935 without authorization...
SCP Security Stories Red Right Hand Mod is a very basic edit of SCP Security Stories. As of right now all this mods is change the NTF appearance. I am planning to add more rooms and new gameplay elements.Add media Media No videos were found in the gallery requested. Upload some media...
机动特遣队Alpha-1(“Red Right Hand”-红右手)特遣队任务:机动特遣队Alpha-1是一个直接听命于O5议会的特遣队并用于需要严格操作安全的情况。由基金会最好的最忠诚的作业员组成,所有和MTF Alpha-1有关的其他信息都被编级为5级。 来自Android客户端3楼2018-05-19 16:54 收起回复 中国...
机动特遣队Alpha-1(“Red Right Hand”-红右手) 特遣队任务:机动特遣队Alpha-1是一个直接听命于O5议会的特遣队并用于需要严格操作安全的情况。由基金会最好的最忠诚的作业员组成,所有和MTF Alpha-1有关的其他信息都被编级为5级。 协助收容的项目:
Description SCP Security Stories Red Right Hand Mod is a very basic edit of SCP Security Stories. As of right now all this mods is change the NTF appearance. I am planning to add more rooms and new gameplay elements. Read more......