List of Members Persons of Interest Besides SCPs, the Foundation also holds a record of Persons of Interest (PoI), who are either anomalous or connected to it. PoI-018747:Konrad Weiss, Director ofAhnenerbe Obskurakorps. PoI-1115: Vincent Anderson, Founder ofAnderson Robotics. ...
_listpages location lolfoundation lombardi loop lorecon2023 lovataar _madao madao mages-academy magnetic _manna-charitable-foundation manna-charitable-foundation manny man-who-wasnt-there maria-johnston maria-jones marie-surratt _marine marion-wheeler mark-kiryu _marshall-carter-and-dark marshall-carter-...
SCP-017 appears to stumble, then return to a far corner of the containment area. SCP-682 attempts to break containment of both SCP-682 and SCP-017. SCP-682 suppressed by Agents, and removed. SCP-682 states, “You foul bags of tissue; you don’t [DATA EXPUNGED]” Notes: It is ...
SCP-001 0篇专栏 通用说明001-Alpha:为防止SCP-001的真相泄漏,零份/多份伪造的掩盖文件与一份/多份真正的001文件一并储存。所有涉及到SCP-001本质的文件,包括一份/多份假文件,均受模因抹杀触媒保护,未经授权的人员查看,将立刻导致其心脏骤停死亡。除非受到████-███-██████的指令,否则将SCP-001...
SCP, or Secure, Contain, Protect, is a collaborative writing project that revolves around a fictional organization responsible for locating and containing individuals, entities, locations, and objects that defy natural law, referred to as SCPs.
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叶华是一个热爱基金会的学生。在他父亲遇到的命案中意外的发现他居然有操控的能力... 倒序 正文卷·共8章免费本卷共7784字 第一章 诡异命案 第二章 SCP-001 第三章 SCP-173 第四章 天外来客 第五章 SCP-966 介绍:SCP-173 介绍:SCP-966 第六章 113平行宇宙 其他人...
创建者:SCP-001-资料卷播放次数:1 9个内容·公开 播放全部视频 点赞 收藏 分享 批量操作 最近收藏 当前 02:25 播放:178.3万 收藏:6.2万 UP主:马小花儿 投稿:2024-5-27【填词/MyGO】家有そよ 收藏于: 2024-6-16 02:28 播放:700.1万 收藏:20.4万 UP主:马小花儿 投稿:2024-4-25⚡俺是东京嘞 东...
东 莞樟木头无粉加厚pe胶袋生产厂家选速创型号SCPEWF-001 在线交易 少货必赔 白色透明 东莞市速创包装材料有限公司 4年 查看详情 ¥888.00/瓶 广东广州 PE NexION ICP MS测试标液(33元素),型号700-158-001 SCP品牌 爱恩迹科技(广州)有限公司 2年 老板...
SCP Foundationon theCreepypastaWiki SCP Foundationon theVillains Wiki SCP — Containment BreachWiki SCP Foundation Internal Departments Navigation ViewHeroes Organizations Major Organizations ||| Minor/Recurring Organizations Safe ||| Euclid ||| Keter ||| Neutralized ||| Thaumiel ||...