SCP-5470 - Why, 2K? SCP-5471 - MEMORIAL 6 SCP-5472 - A Portal to a Mansion in the Back of a Van SCP-5473 - Silence Is Bliss SCP-5474 - Reality Check Through The Skull SCP-5475 - A Failed Love Story SCP-5476 - SCP Explained SCP-5477 - Brokeback Labyrinth SCP-5478 - Markhaven...
SCP-5470 - Why, 2K? SCP-5471 - MEMORIAL 6 SCP-5472 - A Portal to a Mansion in the Back of a Van SCP-5473 - Silence Is Bliss SCP-5474 - Reality Check Through The Skull SCP-5475 - A Failed Love Story SCP-5476 - SCP Explained SCP-5477 - Brokeback Labyrinth SCP-5478 - Markhaven...
Light:Then I need you tofuckingtell me why I'm getting all of these calls about my goddamn agents being tracked down by thefucking feds. We are trying to run a massive, multi-national clandestine world-preserving operation over here,Cooper, and I'm having a hard fucking time doing that ...
Explained ||| Neutralized/Decommissioned ||| Archon | Joke ||| International Spanish Branch ||| French Branch ||| German Branch ||| Polish Branch ||| Czech Branch ||| Italian Branch ||| Japanese Branch |||
Everwood:Why maybe? Ginsburg:Because Charles Hughes was afool!He thought he was punishing Old Gorman by burying his essence under the steps of the Capitol, but he didn't donearlyenough of the required reading. Old Gorman is ademon, not adevil. He didn't even take the time to ask! If...
Explained- SCPs whose anomalous properties have been explained or debunked, and most often do not pose a threat. Decommissioned- Terminated SCPs rejected by the Foundation. Notable Examples Safe SCP-993: A twisted TV show starringBobble the Clown, which causes psychotic and schizophrenic symptoms....
SCP Foundationon theSCP FoundationWiki SCP Foundationon theCreepypastaWiki SCP Foundationon theVillains Wiki SCP — Containment BreachWiki SCP Foundation Internal Departments Navigation ViewHeroes Organizations Major Organizations ||| Minor/Recurring Organizations Safe ||| Euclid...
Security Protocol:Cordoning of region, explained by nuclear testing. Unexplained Location UE-599472 Description:A structure resembling an outdoor amphitheater, though lacking any form of seating. At irregular intervals, the curtain opens to reveal a group of robots with vaguely cephalopod appearances. ...
Explained ||| Neutralized/Decommissioned ||| Archon | Joke ||| International Spanish Branch ||| French Branch ||| German Branch ||| Polish Branch ||| Czech Branch ||| Italian Branch ||| Japanese Branch |||
Naval activity was explained to be a training exercise of the Italian navy. Date: 30/11/2015 Location: Comino, Malta Description: A nine headed serpentine entity bearing a pair of humanoid arms covered in a thick carapace, dozens of spines, also possessing 40 pairs of vaguely human arms ...