许多与该组织相关的物品(但据信不是他们制造的)都回收于一叫“Phitransimun Combine”的中介机构并都附有相关文件,使得基金会可以轻易了解物品的性质以及其原始位置。至今,所有已知被传送的物品都是使用一种类似于爱因斯坦-罗森桥的科技,该科技在当代科学中被认为是一种纯理论性的技术。该组织有一个特殊部门叫做...
Result: Shortly after the elevator door opens, the Combine soldiers are shown being detained or killed by the SCP-3922-A instances. The player and Eli hide within the elevator as the instances fight Combine soldiers responding to the disturbance. Eventually, the player leaves the elevator and go...
The Old Gods are some of the overarching antagonists of the SCP Foundation series. They are a group of mostly malevolent gods who disregard all life except their own, forcing lesser beings such as humanity to worship them, and are responsible for various
She gave him a guarded smile. Yara was comparatively tiny — a petite brown woman with a head shaved as smooth as glass and a face full of iron piercings. She drew her thick coat close and descended cautiously. The man looked like a hugger. Notice all I did was combine three sentences ...
Combo amps are the most popular type of acoustic amplifier because they combine the amplifier and speaker into one unit. It makes them easy to transport and set up, and they’re an excellent choice for beginners. Head/combo amps are similar to combo amps, but they have a separate amplifier...
the scp foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment. 行業: 不明 公司介紹-- 成立年份-- 僱員-- 年度營收--全球排名 #30,7681,301 國家/地區排名 #13,234573 美國 同類排名 #3628 遊戲> 電子遊戲機和配件(在美國) 追蹤你的競爭對手 查看他們的流量和績效指標現在就試試 ...
‡ Licensing / Citation If you're reading this message, it's because the Foundation has successfully neutralized the most powerful entity in your current cosmological headcanon. Sorry/you're welcome, I don't make the rules. In fact, all I did was use this gun I found. It was very easy...