SCP-076-2, also known as Able, is a supporting character in the SCP Foundation series, based off Abel from the Biblical Book of Genesis. He is a murderous barbarian who inhabits SCP-076-1, a Keter-class anomaly under the SCP Foundation's containment, and
~ Yaldabaoth during his battle against Sefiros in theWanderer's Library's "Qlippoth and Sefiros". “REVERT TO MY DOMAIN.„ ~ Yaldabaoth to the Foundation personnel as they were about to escape from SCP-5001. “Then came the Clockworks and the Dragon. ...
SCP Wiki Discussion Page Simulator Technical Issues The Flesh That Raves The Things Dr. Spanko Is Not Allowed To Do At The Foundation The Totally Legit SCP-6000 Entry Contest! Zyn Says The F-Word Essays: Cliches and You: An Educational Film ...
If a dragon or a number of them live at the heart of this cave, and if they are intelligent enough to the point of being sapient, then we need to get them on our good side and cooperate with the Foundation so they can aid us in dealing with future threats. Szulc: Of course, I ...
SCP Wiki Discussion Page Simulator Technical Issues The Flesh That Raves The Things Dr. Spanko Is Not Allowed To Do At The Foundation The Totally Legit SCP-6000 Entry Contest! Zyn Says The F-Word Essays: Cliches and You: An Educational Film Dr. Mackenzie's Guide to Author Stereotypes ROUNDE...
1. Foundation is very powerful (depends on some canon) 2. SCP Cosmology is one of the biggest in fiction (if we use composite scalling) Source ...
Welcome to SCP Animated, home of the series "Tales From the Foundation!" We illustrate and animate our favorite SCP series and post weekly! Join us as we venture deep into the lore and history of the SCP Foundation!Site-42: SCP Foundation FanworksWelcome to Site-42: SCP Foundation Fanworks...
楼主以大名鼎鼎的682大爷为例,参考wiki的格式写了一个scp682的基于游戏性上的管理须知,希望能以此抛砖引玉吧。 SCP-682 基础信息 异常名称:不灭孽蜥 伤害类型:物理 (8-9) 危险等级:ALEPH(keter) PE-BOX 产量 优良差 25-32 11-25 0-11 喜好 等级 本能 洞察 沟通 压迫 I 极低 极低 极低 13736 备品...
高人求解 分享3217 scp_foundation吧 B站修罗场之王 本人萌新,请教各位大佬应该去哪些文档看基金会的黑科技?SCP基金会具备大国核武力量; SCP基金会拥有相当完善精确的记忆清除技术; SCP基金会早在19世纪就成功令死人复活过; SCP基金会早在1948年就开始制作人造心脏了,其质量比当今世面上最先进的人造心脏还好; SCP...
SCP Foundationon theVillains Wiki SCP — Containment BreachWiki SCP Foundation Internal Departments Navigation ViewHeroes Organizations Major Organizations ||| Minor/Recurring Organizations Safe ||| Euclid ||| Keter ||| Neutralized ||| Thaumiel ||...