Testing is no longer to be carried out by D-Class personnel due to the risk of losing SCP-1499. Should test subjects enter any sort of danger, they are to remove SCP-1499 immediately. Description: SCP-1499 is a Soviet GP-5 gas mask. A seal test performed on the object suggests that...
SCP-1491 - Camera man SCP-1492 - Ill-Begotten Gains SCP-1493 - The Whispering Worms SCP-1494 - Terminal Castaways SCP-1495 - Karmic Musth SCP-1496 - The Most Profound Statement in History A Place Setting SCP-1497 - Visual Perfection SCP-1498 - Dial-A-Dream SCP-1499 - The Gas Mask150...
SCP-1491 - Camera man SCP-1492 - Ill-Begotten Gains SCP-1493 - The Whispering Worms SCP-1494 - Terminal Castaways SCP-1495 - Karmic Musth SCP-1496 - The Most Profound Statement in History A Place Setting SCP-1497 - Visual Perfection SCP-1498 - Dial-A-Dream SCP-1499 - The Gas Mask150...
遊戲內控制台可以用F3啟用,帶有Fn鍵的筆記本電腦可能需要按Fn+F3打開,Alt+F3也是一種方案。命令可以以<命令> <參數>形式輸入,多個參數可以用空格分隔。 整數:無小數的數字 浮點值:包含小數的整數 字符串:一串字符,輸入時必須省略引號以正確識別 布爾值:「true」或「
SCP-1499: Gas mask SCP-3114: Painted skin SCP-3199: Deny humans SCP-5808: "Everywhere" SCP-5809: "Original" SCP-7127: "Purveyor of Death" SCP-9527: "The Growler" SCP-9918: "Patrick" SCP-10906: "Phantom" SCP-10907: "Chinese Dragon" ...
1、Gas Mask 防毒面具 用914超精转换为无限活力防毒面具,优先级最高,无视各种减耐力物品(重防弹衣、“SCP-714 - TheJaded Ring 疲惫玉戒”等); 缺点:阻挡视线 2、Night Vision Goggles 夜视镜 用914超精转换为无限电力夜视镜,能侦测附近大多数敌对SCPNPC,并标注位置和距离(重要提醒:有标注延迟。比如移动的老...
SCP-1491 - Camera man SCP-1492 - Ill-Begotten Gains SCP-1493 - The Whispering Worms SCP-1494 - Terminal Castaways SCP-1495 - Karmic Musth SCP-1496 - The Most Profound Statement in History A Place Setting SCP-1497 - Visual Perfection SCP-1498 - Dial-A-Dream SCP-1499 - The Gas Mask150...
代码都源自SCPcb的wiki 不包括文档类的 括号里的代码也能用,控制台也能识别 那么正文开始 gasmask 防毒面具supergasmask 超精防毒面具gasmask3 重型防毒面具key1 (level 1 Keycard)一级卡key2(Level 2 Keycard)二级卡key3 (Level 3 Keycard)三级卡key4 (Level 4 Keycard)四级卡key5(Level 5 Keycard)五...
spawnitem scp500/714/1499/860 刷物品 spawn scp049/096/106/173/966 刷scp supergasmask 超级防毒面具 finefirstaid 小型急救包 finevest 重型防弹背心 clipboard 剪贴板 Cigarette 香烟新人会用到的代码: spawnitem key6 1-6 是钥匙卡 6是万能卡 ...