SCP-1491 - Camera man SCP-1492 - Ill-Begotten Gains SCP-1493 - The Whispering Worms SCP-1494 - Terminal Castaways SCP-1495 - Karmic Musth SCP-1496 - The Most Profound Statement in History A Place Setting SCP-1497 - Visual Perfection SCP-1498 - Dial-A-Dream SCP-1499 - The Gas Mask150...
SCP-1491 - Camera man SCP-1492 - Ill-Begotten Gains SCP-1493 - The Whispering Worms SCP-1494 - Terminal Castaways SCP-1495 - Karmic Musth SCP-1496 - The Most Profound Statement in History A Place Setting SCP-1497 - Visual Perfection SCP-1498 - Dial-A-Dream SCP-1499 - The Gas Mask150...
Mobile Task Forces (MTFs) are the Foundation's elite teams comprised of experts in various fields, specializing in handling the most difficult, dangerous, absurd and terrifying missions within their range, which average agents and researchers cannot solve. In almost all urgent and dangerous tasks,...
SCP-1491 - Camera man SCP-1492 - Ill-Begotten Gains SCP-1493 - The Whispering Worms SCP-1494 - Terminal Castaways SCP-1495 - Karmic Musth SCP-1496 - The Most Profound Statement in History A Place Setting SCP-1497 - Visual Perfection SCP-1498 - Dial-A-Dream SCP-1499 - The Gas Mask150...
+ It is possible to install 5 radio beacons. + Many different details. v 0.41 + Additional side quests 应用信息 包名:com.BezglasnyAA.SCP1499 名称:The Lost Signal: The gas mask 版本:0.431 MD5值:78f2bb5a4e37b53e90dee4abe2692e95 地下城与勇士起源手游官方下载安装...
Testing is no longer to be carried out by D-Class personnel due to the risk of losing SCP-1499. Should test subjects enter any sort of danger, they are to remove SCP-1499 immediately. Description: SCP-1499 is a Soviet GP-5 gas mask. A seal test performed on the object suggests that...
1、Gas Mask 防毒面具 用914超精转换为无限活力防毒面具,优先级最高,无视各种减耐力物品(重防弹衣、“SCP-714 - TheJaded Ring 疲惫玉戒”等); 缺点:阻挡视线 2、Night Vision Goggles 夜视镜 用914超精转换为无限电力夜视镜,能侦测附近大多数敌对SCPNPC,并标注位置和距离(重要提醒:有标注延迟。比如移动的老...
1、Gas Mask 防毒面具 用914超精转换为无限活力防毒面具,优先级最高,无视各种减耐力物品(重防弹衣、“SCP-714 - TheJaded Ring 疲惫玉戒”等); 缺点:阻挡视线 2、Night Vision Goggles 夜视镜 用914超精转换为无限电力夜视镜,能侦测附近大多数敌对SCPNPC,并标注位置和距离(重要提醒:有标注延迟。比如移动的老...
1、Gas Mask 防毒面具 用914超精转换为无限活力防毒面具,优先级最高,无视各种减耐力物品(重防弹衣、“SCP-714 - TheJaded Ring 疲惫玉戒”等); 缺点:阻挡视线 2、Night Vision Goggles 夜视镜 用914超精转换为无限电力夜视镜,能侦测附近大多数敌对SCPNPC,并标注位置和距离(重要提醒:有标注延迟。比如移动的老...
The Lost Signal: The gas mask(失落的信号scp安卓版) v0.36.1 更新:2018-12-10 10:30大小:36.4M类别:动作系统:Android 失落的信号scp游戏为大家带来,失落的信号scp游戏是一款最新上线的动作冒险游戏,集射击、动作为一体,玩家在游戏中将扮演scp基金会的一员,要回收各种型号的玩家,逼真的3D特效,感兴趣的不要...