Wilford:Four pixels. Four fucking pixels. I doubt the guy even knew what he saw. He was probably just lookin’ at the picture one day, noticed an off-color patch of snow, and went on with his day. Interviewer:How did you find it? Wilford:Our SCRAMBLE gear picked it up right away. ...
SCP-096, also known as the Shy Guy, is a supporting antagonist in the SCP Foundation series. It is a Euclid class anomaly contained by the Foundation, who will know if someone looked at its face and relentlessly pursue that individual until violently mur
0 Reply 3 years ago 2 WizardNodesYT Nope… The other one is just a revised version with some mistakes fixed. Sorry for the false alarm lol 0 Reply 3 years ago 479 XplainnHere they come to snuff the Rooster, ah yeah! Four pixels. FOUR [REDACTED] PIXELS. 0 Reply 3 years ago La...
Unexplained Location UE-121936 Description:An indoor paintball arena on █████████ Ave. Any amount of persons who enter and set up a standard paintball are joined by 4 male military style personnel (two per team). The men will give accurate and useful tactical instruction and advice ...
SCP小马版收容失效 Containment is Magic V1.0.0.5【图片】图片by:PixelstarPon 目前正在进行这个项目的是Deviantart的scp-cim小组 分享14赞 文字游戏吧吧 阐里鹤喰🎎 【报名】SCP基金会:极端人类沙文主义者新的一年很高兴还可以再次有这个机会尝试scp基金会的题材,有了前面两次的经验,希望这次的scp基金会:极端...
SCP小马版收容失效 Containment is Magic V1.0.0.5【图片】图片by:PixelstarPon 目前正在进行这个项目的是Deviantart的scp-cim小组 分享14赞 scp收容失效吧 Lv16_Oldfish 【网盘视频】收容失效的攻略合集 34122 第五人格吧 江大锤🌌 当scp们成了第五人格的监管者不知道两个叫恐怖的东西相撞会多有趣呢? 先让...
SCP小马版收容失效 Containment is Magic V1.0.0.5【图片】图片by:PixelstarPon 目前正在进行这个项目的是Deviantart的scp-cim小组 高冥力量... 10-4 0 scp173会杀死盲人吗? 贴吧用户_... rt 不知道173是会想杀死自己视线范围内的,无论对方看没看到自己 还是杀死看到过自己又移开视线的 贴吧用户_... ...
SCP小马版收容失效 Containment is Magic V1.0.0.5【图片】图片by:PixelstarPon 目前正在进行这个项目的是Deviantart的scp-cim小组 高冥力量... 10-4 0 scp173会杀死盲人吗? 贴吧用户_... rt 不知道173是会想杀死自己视线范围内的,无论对方看没看到自己 还是杀死看到过自己又移开视线的 贴吧用户_... ...
404shield4-15 14 【资源 搬运】小马SCP173 来自外星... 黑暗的游戏(上面和下面的都是)(特别是接下来的这个,晚上切忌服用,或者你想被吓s!!! ) SCP小马版收容失效 Containment is Magic V1.0.0.5【图片】图片by:PixelstarPon 目前正在进行这个项目的是Deviantart的scp-cim小组 高...
SCP小马版收容失效 Containment is Magic V1.0.0.5【图片】图片by:PixelstarPon 目前正在进行这个项目的是Deviantart的scp-cim小组 分享14赞 cs起源吧 银弹DeMT SCP-2222项目编号:SCP-2222 项目等级: Euclid 收容措施:SCP-2222没有什么特殊的收容措施,被关在一个50X50的房间中。房间与中国普通装修风格相识。他曾...