SCP-096 was ranked fourth place in TatsTopVideos'Top 22 Scariest SCPsvideo. It is speculated that ifSCP-999would come into contact with 096, 096 would still be crying, since it is not actually sad, but it just appears to be so. ...
0 Reply 3 years ago 2 WizardNodesYT Nope… The other one is just a revised version with some mistakes fixed. Sorry for the false alarm lol 0 Reply 3 years ago 479 XplainnHere they come to snuff the Rooster, ah yeah! Four pixels. FOUR [REDACTED] PIXELS. 0 Reply 3 years ago La...
designed by Dr. Oleksei and myself specifically for SCP-096. It carries a small microprocessor which constantly analyzes the viewing field for the facial features of SCP-096. Facial recognition software inside instantly identifies them, scrambling the image into an unrecognizable mess before the...
Unexplained Location UE-121936 Description:An indoor paintball arena on █████████ Ave. Any amount of persons who enter and set up a standard paintball are joined by 4 male military style personnel (two per team). The men will give accurate and useful tactical instruction and advice ...