SCP-049 is capable of speech in a variety of languages, though tends to prefer English or medieval French2. While SCP-049 is generally cordial and cooperative with Foundation staff, it can become especially irritated or at times outright aggressive if it feels that it is in the presence of ...
按下R键会将 新怪谈-049 的位置透露给所有 新怪谈-049-2 个体,使他们能够透过墙壁看到 新怪谈-049 。此技能将持续20秒。任何在SCP-049半径10米范围内的SCP-049-2个体会开始以 10 HS/s 的速度缓慢产生临时护盾,每个 新怪谈-049-2 个体最多产生 100 点临时护盾值。在 新怪谈-049 受到伤害一秒后才会开始...
SCP-049 plays a major role in "Death and the Doctors", "The Hanged King's Comedy", "Cack" and "Altitudes" series. He was one of the many characters used in the "SCP OCT" contest. SCP-049 also serves as a major antagonist in SCP: Containment Breach, a playable character in SCP: ...
原文链接: 由特工MrD绘制的SCP-CN-049与特工魅唇鱼 项目编号: SCP-CN-049 项目等级: Safe 威胁级别:White/Orange 特殊收容措施:SCP-CN-049被收容于Area-CN-42三号塔的独立人型异常项目收容单间内,除了遵守标准的人型异常项目收容条例以外,该项目的室内需要保持恒温...
SCP-049 is capable of speech in a variety of languages, though tends to prefer English or medieval French3. While SCP-049 is generally cooperative with Foundation personnel, it will commonly enter periods of lethargy and apathy. SCP-049 was capable of causing all biological functions of an org...
觀察記錄049.OL.2摘要 項目:SCP-049 前言:SCP-049被提供了一具新鮮的山羊屍體。SCP-049對此表示謝意。 記錄:SCP-049對山羊屍體進行的數天的手術,最後產生了一個SCP-049-2實體,SCP-049對此表示滿意,並承認「該疾病仍處於初期階段。我的獸醫能力很初級,但患者的術後反應看上去十分良好」。【已换为简体】 那是个暴风雨的黑夜。 Site-19年度多学科研究论文研讨会(The Site-19 Annual Multidisciplinary Symposium About Research Articles,SAMSARA)的第一天进展顺利。站点主任Acosta重新踏上讲台。 SCP-049 (外号庸医,瘟疫医生)在本游戏中,SCP-049的扮演者会出生在收容房间中,该收容房间是由一个独立的电梯支持出入的,面对SCP-049的收容室是很多支柱,在收容室旁边有一个房间,SCP-049无法打开房间,必须要有出入武器室权限的卡,或者SCP-106才可以进入...
SCP-049: A plague doctor who uses a mysterious treatment on human subjects that renders them as brain-dead and hostile zombies. SCP-073: A cyborg who, despite his uninviting appearance is polite and considerate to Foundation staff. He has knowledge and familiarity about the villainousSCP-076-2...
Within the Foundation's global network of forces, a significant portion of the Mobile Task Forces are led by the Foundation's Chinese branch and are concentrated in China and throughout East Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Western Pacific region. This prominent affiliation and operational scope has...