SCP对象们的图SCP Object List↓↓↓---SCP-049Plague Doctor(鼠疫医生)© 2009年Gabriel Jade▼非官方日语翻译wiki【】SCP-035 Possessive Mask(附体口罩)© 2008 Kain Pa... 展开#SCP基金会 #SCP #ある意味地獄絵図 #SCP-049 #这是什么 好可爱啊 #深刻な収容違反 #Thaumiel #CC_BY-...
I am planning to add RP mode servers in the near future. Note: The game has in-app purchases to unlock collections that DO NOT affect gameplay at all. This game is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 and is based on The SCP Foundation (scp-wiki.net). more ...
You can also play mini-games such as Escape SCP-087, Survive SCP-XXXX and etc. I am planning to add RP mode servers in the near future. Note: The game has in-app purchases to unlock collections that DO NOT affect gameplay at all. ...
You can also play mini-games such as Escape SCP-087, Survive SCP-XXXX and etc. I am planning to add RP mode servers in the near future. Note: The game has in-app purchases to unlock collections that DO NOT affect gameplay at all. ...
一个类似unity的游戏,可以看出怪物建模是一样的,049用的是scpunity工作室的画稿 1.可能是其他工作室对scpunity的继续制作 2.可能unity的项目还在,可能转给别的工作室了 3.可能是原来办公室又开始制作了(可能性极小) 这只是猜测,如果各位想玩unity的某种意义上的新作的话,可以期待一下 +1 分享2125 scp收容失效...
1、106的出生点不在收容室内而是在旁边的控制室 2、设施内有零散的磁卡,但是却没有任何尸体(被106抓了呗 3、轻收容区的地板有概率会有106的次元空洞 096和049都不是在他们的收容室出生的。049出生点连个控制室都没怎么收容嘛,096应该是收容失效后一直待在收容室内,说是收容室是因为门口有个控制台(虽然不能...
You can also play mini-games such as Escape SCP-087, Survive SCP-XXXX and etc. I am planning to add RP mode servers in the near future. Note: The game has in-app purchases to unlock collections that DO NOT affect gameplay at all. ...
You can also play mini-games such as Escape SCP-087, Survive SCP-XXXX and etc. I am planning to add RP mode servers in the near future. Note: The game has in-app purchases to unlock collections that DO NOT affect gameplay at all. ...
1、106的出生点不在收容室内而是在旁边的控制室 2、设施内有零散的磁卡,但是却没有任何尸体(被106抓了呗 3、轻收容区的地板有概率会有106的次元空洞 096和049都不是在他们的收容室出生的。049出生点连个控制室都没怎么收容嘛,096应该是收容失效后一直待在收容室内,说是收容室是因为门口有个控制台(虽然不能...