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The fourth, "The Way It Ends," is about a Chaos Insurgency operative out to kill the O5, and he kills all but O5-1. Dr. Gears' Proposal - "The Prototype" Written in a relatively rough format, this file is reached from a hidden link in SCP-184. It details space repeating itself...
SCP-001提案那时还不存在,001这个编号那时是被故意空置着,中二十足地标上“保留到有人写出配得上001的条目为止”。几个SCP-001提案在这期间被创作出来,包括Eberstroms的提案(Site-19)、Catalyst的提案(也是Site-19)、DrGears的提案(原型“The Prototype“)、Jonathan Ball的提案(资料卷“The Sheaf of Papers”)、...
Eberstroms Proposal(Site-19), Catalyst's Proposal(Also Site-19), DrGears Proposal(The Prototype), Jonathan Ball's Proposal(The Sheaf of Papers), and Taisaijin's Proposal(A Lost God). Only DrGears and Ball's proposal's still exist, with Eberstrom's having been -ARC'd and the rest de...
A nasty little story that I had hoped might have sparked a little more interest in the pipes, but no such luck. Still, I liked wiring it. The Prototype by Randomraven Your 001 proposal, Dr Gears' Proposal: The Prototype, was one of the first proposals posted to the site and follows ...
For example,SCP-096has smart (and destructive) movement to reach its target at all costs, andSCP-001 The Prototypeuses black holes to obliterate everyone! Combat Experience You came here looking for good gameplay? SCP: Dystopia has some fun weapons to use! >:) ...
SCP-001: The Prototype SCP-017: Shadow Person SCP-024: The Gameshow of Death SCP-066: Eric's Toy SCP-073: "Cain" SCP-076: "Able" SCP-079: Old AI SCP-191: Cyborg Child SCP-268: Cap of Neglect SCP-323: Wendigo Skull SCP-372: Peripheral Jumper ...
SCP-001: The PrototypeSCP-017: Shadow PersonSCP-024: The Gameshow of DeathSCP-066: Eric's ToySCP-073: "Cain"SCP-076: "Able"SCP-079: Old AISCP-191: Cyborg ChildSCP-268: Cap of NeglectSCP-323: Wendigo SkullSCP-372: Peripheral JumperSCP-426: I am a ToasterSCP-457: Burning ManSCP...
SCP-001Dr. Gears-ThePrototype SCP-001 原型 项⽬指定编号:#86243AR-001 警告:项⽬表现出侵略性并具⾼度危险性 项⽬描述: ⾼六英尺五英⼨,重97 磅(平均值,±5-10 磅),年龄未知,灰褐 ⾊⽪肤(或许是挫伤),眼睛(?)颜⾊为⽜奶蓝,没有头发。外表削 瘦,⻣骼和肌⾁的结构不属于...