TheAuthor search resultspage opens. Click on the relevant profile. If necessary, you canrequest to merge multiple profilesat this time. Scopus will notify you when the change has been made. Use theAuthor Feedback Wizardto: Merge duplicate profiles, if relevant ...
在搜索结果页面点击分析搜索结果(Analyze search results), 将会显示根据年份、来源出版物、作者、归属机构、国家、文献类 型和学科领域划分的搜索结果中的文献数量。点击每一卡片都 可扩展和查看额外数据。 B 在搜索结果页面点击查看引文概览(View citation overview), ...
步驟1:圖書館首頁,查詢電子資料庫名稱「Scopus」。 步驟2:點選資料庫名稱Scopus。 2 步驟3:執行Authorsearch,輸入AuthorLastName、Author InitialsorFirstName,以及Affilliation,點選查尋。 步驟4:確認其為查找被引用次數之作者姓名,**姓名前**格後,點
Elsevier’s Scopus, the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature. Search and access research from the science, technology, medicine, social sciences and arts and humanities fields.
Step 2: Select the correct entry from the author's results We are lucky with our search for Stephen Hawking as Scopus' algorithms have already been able to automatically group different spellings of the name (Hawking, Stephen; HAWKING, S. W.; Hawking, Stephen W.; Hawking, S. W.) and ...
Scopus包括94000多个机构和1700多万名学者的信息,为每位收录学者提供独立的Scopus Author Profile,并支持一键生成作者的文献产出分析,引文报告,并可以灵活地选取去除自引、去除图书引用等。研究人员可快速获取个人、同行、机构科研产出特点,发掘潜在合作对象...
B. Clicking ‘Analyze results’ on a search results page provides an analysis of your search results and shows you the number of documents in your search results broken down (on separate tabs) by year, source, author, affiliation, country, document type, subject area and funding sponsor. Clic...
1.3作者姓名**模式(Author) 点击1AuthorSearchI进入作者姓名**模式.在系统提 供的检索框中输入作者姓名**头部分(InitialsorFirst Name)或结尾部分(LastN锄e),如需进行精确检索,必须 加双引号.例如要检索"JamesSmith"的论文,可在Initials 或FirstName框中输入"James",LastName框中输入 ...
1 Analyze Search Results The link to Analyze search results can be found on the Results page. 2 Search Metrics Search metrics are organized by the following: Year, Source, Author, Affiliation, Country, Document type and Subject area. 2 ...
importpybliometricsfrompybliometrics.scopusimportAuthorRetrieval# pybliometrics.scopus.utils.create_config() 配置key# retrievala = AuthorRetrieval('37055346800')print(a.eid)print(a.document_count)#searchfrompybliometrics.scopusimportAuthorSearch