Scopus被引用次數的查詢步驟-AuthorSearch 步驟1:圖書館首頁,查詢電子資料庫名稱「Scopus」。 步驟2:點選資料庫名稱Scopus。 2 步驟3:執行Authorsearch,輸入AuthorLastName、Author InitialsorFirstName,以及Affilliation,點選查尋。 步驟4:確認其為查找被引用次數之作者姓名,**姓名前**格後,點 選Viewcitationoverview...
目录 scopus网址(中文): scopus网址(英文): 进入作者主页,下拉找到【全部导出】.ris格式 导入Endnote即可 特别感谢: 快速下载一个学者所有文章 - 淼淼兮予怀 - 博客园
This is only applicable for searches targeting author identifiers. cursor xsd:string This parameter is used when a user wants to execute deep pagination searching (i.e. iterate to the end of a search result set). Under normal circumstances, when using the 'start' parameter (results offset)...
1.3作者姓名**模式(Author) 点击1AuthorSearchI进入作者姓名**模式.在系统提 供的检索框中输入作者姓名**头部分(InitialsorFirst Name)或结尾部分(LastN锄e),如需进行精确检索,必须 加双引号.例如要检索"JamesSmith"的论文,可在Initials 或FirstName框中输入"James",LastName框中输入 ...
18、nceExport Author Keywords and use online tools, like 补充:获取学者的邮件联系方式案例分享:4. 期刊的比较期刊的比较期刊的比较SJR ( SCImago Journal Rank indicator) is a measure of scientific influence of scholarly journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and...
Step 5: Refine Your Search If your initial search yields too many results or is not specific enough, Scopus provides several refinement options to narrow down your search. These options could include filtering by publication year, document type, author name, source title, and more. Utilize these...
In the Web of Science™ database (WoS) (Supplementary Table S2), in turn, for the search by topic, which covers title, abstract, author keywords and Keywords Plus, the following search phrase was used: [TOPIC:(*lactone AND biotransformation AND (flavo?r OR aroma)]. Citation indexes ...
Scopus is a trusted, source-neutral abstract and citation database curated by independent subject matter experts who are recognized leaders in their fields
Author search: The “author last name” is now a mandatory field. A warning message will appear if the last name field is not filled in. When searching for an ORCID number, the ORCID search field must contain avalidORCID number. A warning message will appear if an incorrect value has bee...
认识参考文献Scopus 认识参考文献Scopus 何謂參考文獻可在哪裏看得到 引用文獻之功能 在撰寫學位論文或研究報告時,必須遵守一定的學術性的寫作格式,註釋是一篇學術性論文不可缺少的部份,功能:1.就本文內容的權威性加以引註2.發生相互參考的功能3.補充本文敘述的不足4.表示作者對該論文報告者的幫助者多 以感謝 標...