First, in contrast to other Scope 3 categories, the rulebook for reporting on financed emissions and facilitated emissions is in many ways still nascent and incomplete. Accounting rules for financed emissions were only finalised by PCAF and endorsed by the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol – the glob...
When helping suppliers decarbonize, fabs may want to focus on the top three materials categories—chemicals, wafers, and gas—because of their outsize impact on Scope 3 upstream emissions.In many cases, fabs may be able to reduce emissions by switching from their current Tier 1 suppliers to...
其次即便有很多categories都显著,同时准备那么多信息要耗费很多人力物力,一般企业也不会选择多管齐下,而是选择逐步地披露,在选择披露什么categories的时候,可以考虑以下条件: 其实,以上条件的一个精髓,就是优先考虑风险大的,碳...
Currently Available Scope 3 Emission Categories Scope 3 or value chain emissions are usually the largest of an organization’s total GHG emissions. Scope 3 emissions are broken into 15 categories that include both upstream and downstream sources of emissions. Here are a few: Purchased Goods and Se...
Manage all 15 Scope 3 categories across the software application Tested by the GHG Management Institute to ensure the highest level of data quality Software made for reporting Scope 3 emissions From pre-configured content packs to dedicated emissions modules, we have a software solution that will me...
Understanding the impact of Scope 3 emissions in the APAC logistics sector Scope 3 emissions are defined as indirect emissions that occur throughout a company's value chain. According to Greenhouse Gas Protocol, Scope 3 emissions can be broken down into 15 categories: ...
To fully adhere to the GHGP standards, organizations must report total emissions from all relevant categories that are listed above. It is also important to note that relevant categories may vary greatly—both between and within industries.
The climate standard1 requires disclosure of absolute Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions. Companies will follow measurement guidance in the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard2, and disclose Scope 3 emissions under the categories included in the GHG Protocol Value Chain Standard2. To support companies with...
Addressing climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions are critical challenges that businesses must tackle head-on. By understanding the different categories of emissions and implementing targeted strategies across scopes 1, 2 and 3, businesses can make significant progress...
Calculating Scope 3 emissions involves measuring all the indirect greenhouse gas emissions that occur within a company’s value chain. These are the most complex to calculate. To do so a company must: 1.Identify emissionssources from these categories defined by the GHG Protocol: ...