2.范围Scope 适用于本公司组织边界内温室气体盘查管理。 Applicable to theCompany'sinventoryof greenhouse gaseswithin the boundaries ofthe management. 3.定义Definition 3.1温室气体(GHG):,是指大气层中存在的和人类活动产生的能够吸收和散发由地球表面、大气层和云层所产生的、波长在红外光谱内的辐射的气态成分。
Scope 3 emissions take the “embodied carbon” of the building blocks of a business into account. Creating an Effective Sustainability Program for Your Company Considering each type of emission, and how essential so many of these pieces are to running a business, GHG emissions reduction can ...
23、tionary combustion上游的固定燃烧过程Purchase and consumption of electricity, heat, or steam购买及消费电、热或者蒸汽-Scope 2范围2Indirect Energy Product间接能源生产Downstream stationary or mobile combustion下游的固定或移动燃烧过程Manufacture and sale of energy using products耗能产品的生产和销售Scope 3范...
However, the energy consumption and GHG emissions of producing food packaging materials were beyond the scope of this work. Energy use at this stage resembles that of other types of manufacturing, with substantial energy being used for process heating (directly or via steam), process cooling, ...
一、範疇一之七種溫室氣體個別排放量 (Scope 1 Greenhouse Gas Emissions) (t-CO 2 e): 溫室氣體 CO 2 CH 4 N 2 O SF 6 NF3 七種溫室氣體排放量總計 GHG Total 排放量(t-CO 2 e/年) 佔總排放量比例 二、總排放量 -- 七種溫室氣體排放量 (Individual Greenhouse Gas Emissions) (t-CO2e): ...
An LCA is divided into four general phases; first, the Goal and Scope definition, where the objective and conditions of the LCA are defined (see Section 3.4.1); second, the Inventory Analysis, where a Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) is created, i.e., an inventory gathering information on inpu...
Thus, among of 1,159 short trips that were considered in scope for substitution, the active travel modes could realistically replace 62% of short motorcycle trips (equivalent to 41% of all trips). Accordingly, we estimated that this mitigation option resulted in a 13 Transportation (2024) 51:...
Scope 2, which measures indirect emissions generated via purchased electricity, produced the highest contribution of 4,757.83 tCO2e. The activities of higher institutions as presented in this study still require greater attention in the reduction emission campaign. Higher institutions should make a ...
To reduce the problem's scope, here we demonstrate an evaluation of scenario likelihood based only on the global CO2 trajectory and ignore the influence of other scenario components. This is a strong caveat of the results presented in this paper because land use change, non-CO2 GHGs, and ...
Scope2,3=Includesemissionsresultingfromelectricitysuppliedtotheconsumerthatarecountedinboth Scope2(electricityGENERATEDandsuppliedtothenationalgrid)andScope3(dueto LOSSESintransmissionanddistributionofelectricitythroughthenationalgridtothe consumer),asdefinedbytheGHGProtocol ...