-企业标准"(GHG Protocol-Corporate Standard)根据运营边界将温室气体核算分为三个"范围(scopes)"。范围一指公司直接拥有的设备和生产过程中由于化学或者物理过程产生的温室气体,也叫直接排放;范围二为公司购买的电力、热力、蒸汽和冷却所产生的温室气体,叫做间接排放;范围三(Scope 3)包含企业价值链中产生的所有其他间接...
大家好,今天我们来聊聊GHG Protocol发布的Scope3温室气体排放计算指南,特别是关于商品和服务的那部分。这个指南可是实操中非常重要的一环哦! 商品和服务类别的排放 🛒首先,咱们得搞清楚,什么是商品和服务类别的排放。简单来说,就是你在一年内购买的所有商品和服务的生产过程中产生的碳排放。为了增加报告的透明度,其他...
直接排放(Scope 1):指企业或组织直接产生的温室气体(GHG)排放。这包括燃烧化石燃料产生的二氧化碳(C...
Understand the data and information needed to evaluate Scope 3 emissions in their chemical supply chains Better identify GHG-reduction opportunities 1Upstream GHG emissions from the production of purchased goods and services. Watch the recording of the launch of the new PCF Exchange solution, which to...
Scope 3 GHG Accounting + Reporting software leverages AI to help make emissions calculations more efficient. It includes flexible reporting tools to deliver value chain insights and streamline disclosures and offers embedded Scope 3 emissions factor libraries to make calculations less time consuming. ...
🔍 Scope 1碳排放:这指的是企业机构直接产生的温室气体(GHG)排放,例如锅炉和车辆运行时的排放。🔌 Scope 2碳排放:这是企业机构间接产生的排放,比如为建筑供暖和制冷购买的电器。🌐 Scope 3碳排放:这是最复杂的一部分,涵盖了企业价值链上游和下游的碳排放,包括供应商和客户使用产品时的排放。
The paper discusses six interdependent factors that inhibit scope 3's ambition of promoting the measurement and management of GHG emissions throughout the value chain. These factors are transaction costs, power, responsibility allocation, uncertainty, location contingency and production costs. The impact ...
(EPA) eGRID, within 10 days of release. The vendor also supports Scope 1, 2 and 3 analyses, with pre-configured indicators structured according to the GHG Protocol. To further aid compliance, it offers a dedicated disclosures module, with a full EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive ...
Avery Dennison, committed to achieving measurable sustainability, has set ambitious goals to reduce Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 70% and Scope 3 GHG emissions by 30% by 2030. And we do not just make empty promises; we have the products and strategies on hand to reach these...
Indirect Scope 3 GHG emissions are a consequence of the operations of the undertaking but occur at sources owned or controlled by another company.