In addition, quantifying Scope 3 GHG emissions, which are defined as all indirect emissions that occur in the reporting company’s value chain, is not currently a part of our GHG inventory program. 此外,量化范围 3 的温室气体排放(定义为发生在报告公司的价值链的所有间接排放)目前并不是我们温室...
Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions are a way of classifying greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which strengthen the greenhouse effect and contribute towards global warming and are therefore coming under increasing scrutiny and regulation by governments and industry bodies. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol is an ...
” Together, Scope 1, 2, 3 emissions cast a wide net, describing a comprehensive set of greenhouse gas emissions that companies either emit directly or indirectly. By understanding total emissions, companies can then begin taking actions to mitigate them, perhaps ultimately aiming for a goal like...
scope 2, and scope 3 emissions. However, this categorisation does not apply to the product carbon footprint (PCF), which describes the total amount of emissions generated by a product or a service over the different stages of its life cycle. ...
1【 定义和重要性 】定义 世界资源研究所(WRI)在2013年的一篇文章中定义了范围四:“avoided emissions”(避免碳排)有时被称为范围四,指的是在产品本身生命周期或价值链之外,由于使用更高效的商品和服务而避免的温室气体排放。因此,范围四也可以当作一般情景【 business as usual(BAU)】与相关解决方案之间...
Dashboard data distribution: Customizable emissions KPIs and dashboards can be integrated with centralized reporting Sold by SS&C Blue Prism Categories ML Solutions Managed Services Fulfillment method Professional Services Highlights Improved ESG Reporting Efficiency and Compliance: Streamlines data processes...
Scope 1 covers direct emissions from owned or controlled sources. Scope 2 covers indirect emissions from the purchase and use of electricity, steam, heating and cooling. By using the energy, an organisation is indirectly responsible for the release of these GHG emissions. Scope 3 includes all oth...
Scope 2 emissions of leased asset= ∑(quantity of electricity, steam, heating, cooling consumed (for example, kWh) × emission factor for electricity, steam, heating, cooling (for example, kg CO2 e/kWh)) Then sum across leased assets: ∑scope 1 and scope 2 emissions of each leased asset...
世界资源研究所(WRI)在2013年的一篇文章中定义了范围四:“avoided emissions”(避免碳排)有时被称为范围四,指的是在产品本身生命周期或价值链之外,由于使用更高效的商品和服务而避免的温室气体排放。 因此,范围四也可以当作一般情景【 business as usual(BAU)】与相关解决方案之间温室气体排放量的差异。
2 & 3 combined footprint is attributable to the use phase of its long-lifespan products and solutions on customer sites. These are, in turn, considered its customers’ Scope 1 & 2 emissions, which make for a shared goal to reduce that footprint. Weir Group says its latest technologies ar...