TheGHG Protocol Corporate Standardcategorises GHG emissions associated with a company’s CCF as scope 1, scope 2, and scope 3 emissions. However, this categorisation does not apply to the product carbon footprint (PCF), which describes the total amount of emissions generated by a product or a...
Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions are a way of classifying greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which strengthen the greenhouse effect and contribute towards global warming and are therefore coming under increasing scrutiny and regulation by governments and industry bodies. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol is an ...
首先我们来简单回顾一下范围一、二、三,在应用最广泛的GHG Protocol中的定义:范围一:一家企业控制或拥有的排放源产生的直接温室气体排放;范围二:一家企业消耗的电力、蒸汽、供暖或制冷产生的间接排放;范围三:一家企业运营相关的,来自于价值链中的间接排放,来源于15个不同的类别。信息来源:温室气体核算体系 ...
Scope 3 emissions are also indirect, and encompass all other indirect emissions. According to GHG Protocol, Scope 3 emissions are “a consequence of the activities of the company, but occur from sources not owned or controlled by the company”— for instance,value chain emissionslike delivery of...
Scope 3:he emissions from everything else (suppliers, distributors, product use, etc.) (其他所有的间接产生的碳排放) Scope 3一般被认为是企业占企业碳排放的大头,因为大家可以想象,scope 3其实是看企业整个价值链上的碳排放: 图片来源:
6. Why do the standards only account or GHG emissions and not other environmental impacts? Can the standards be used or other impacts (e.g. water)? The GHG Protocol standards address GHG emissions. GHG emissions are a great starting point or businesses because o the data availability, their...
拉法基豪瑞集团设定了提供创新且可持续的方案目标来减少自身及其供应链对于气候变化的影响,通过编写《Accounting and Reporting Protocol for Avoided Greenhouse Gas Emissions along the Value Chain of Cement-based Products》为水泥行业及供应链企业提供了温室气体排放计算的统一且透明的方法论。 国内企业中,阿里巴巴集团...
GHG Protocol提供的框架将企业碳排放分成三个范围(scope)。分别是:范围1(Scope 1):the emissions from owned or operated assets(自己企业和资产直接产生的碳排放), 指企业直接拥有和控制的温室气体排放,如工厂烟囱的排放。范围2(Scope 2):the emissions from purchased energy(自己企业购买的能源所间接...
The GHG Protocol Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard and GHG Protocol Product Standard both take a value chain or li e cycle approach to GHG accounting. The Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard accounts or emissions at the corporate level, while the Product Standard accounts or emissio...